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Children were splashing around in the pool, while their mother sat in a circle chatting. Daksh arrived there holding Khushi by her arm.

"Come on, get in the pool now. Otherwise, I'll take away your phone that you're always glued to," Daksh said, Khushi whined and looked at her mother.

"Mom, I don't want to. I'd rather stay in my room," Khushi said, Roshni along with everyone glanced over at khushi.

"You're dressed perfectly for the pool. There's nothing better than a swimming pool in the summer," Roshni said, but Khushi continued to shake her head.

"Dad, please let me go," Khushi pleaded, but Daksh ignored her and pulled her towards the pool.

"MOMMY!" Khushi shouted, catching Roshni's attention.

"I'm on my period, let me go, Dad," Khushi said, but Daksh's mother was to stop him but she was too late to intervene as daksh pushed khushi into the pool.

"That's an old excuse, find a new one," Daksh muttered as he walked over to Ayushi.

"Ayushi, do you want your uncle to join you?" Daksh asked, opening his arms. Ayushi eagerly reached out, and Daksh picked her up.

"Should I join my little one in the pool?" Daksh said, playfully pinching her nose.

"Crime Patrol, uncle " Deepak mumbled, causing everyone to turn and look at him.

He quietly sipped his coke, avoiding eye contact.

"Deepak ji, don't say that," Bhavya whispered, turning towards him.

"Stop watching that creepy show," Daksh mumbled, shifting his attention to Ayushi.

"So, what were you saying?"

"You can only join if you wear a pink swimsuit."

"Pink shorts? Alright then, wait for Chachu to join his little Princess," Daksh said, gently placing her in the water.

Daksh came over, wearing his black shorts with a pink border.

"Not this one," Ayushi said, but Daksh entered the pool and stood beside her.

"This is the only pair of shorts with pink. We'll buy some new ones tomorrow," Daksh mumbled, starting to play with Ayushi as they moved towards the deeper end of the pool.

"Dad, can I go to the room?"

"Khushi, last warning," Daksh said sternly. Khushi pouted and looked at her mother, who was once again engrossed in chatting.

"Kids don't like family time once they grow up," Deepak commented, grabbing everyone's attention again .

"Deepak ji, shut up," Bhavya mumbled, returning to her conversation with the girls, filled with excitement.

Deepak rolled his eyes and shifted his gaze towards the pool, ignoring the girls giggling while discussing some film actors.

Ayaan also came there and immediately joined Divya(Deepak's daughter) , in the pool. She was trying to drown her bath duck, but it kept floating back up.

"Chachu, I want to drown her," she pouted.

Ayaan looked at her with fake horror.

"Why would my baby do that to the sweet little ducky?" Ayaan said, kissing Divya's cheeks.

"Crime Patrol, Uncle number two," Deepak mumbled again, earning looks from everyone, including Bhavya's angry glare.

"Deepak ji..."

"Yes, Bhavya ji, concentrate on your chit-chat," Deepak mumbled, stretching his legs.

"He's in a bad mood. Did we disturb him this morning?" Karishma(Deepak's mom) asked Dakshita(Ayaan's mom)

Dakshita shrugged her shoulders and returned to their conversation as well.

"Chachu, the ducky isn't a living being. She won't die. I want to drown her."

Ayaan placed his hand on his chest and looked at Divya with wide eyes.

"Oh no, Mr. Duck will be so upset if you say that. Let me teach you swimming. Do you want chachu to teach you?" Divya happily nodded her head.

They both immersed themselves in swimming with the rest of the kids, while Khushi seemed eager to get out of the pool.

"Look at how happy he looks right now. Just wait until some of them start causing trouble, he'll turn into a demon," Aashika commented, glancing at her husband.

The other girls nodded in agreement, but Kanak bit her tongue and gave Aashika a mischievous smile.

"I can sense trouble just by the silence around you," Deepak remarked, causing Bhavya to stand up and pull his hand.

"What?" Deepak questioned.

"You're not going to sit here. Sit somewhere else if you're going to eavesdrop on our conversation," Bhavya replied. Deepak rolled his eyes and playfully pulled Bhavya, causing her to fall onto him.

"You didn't give me a kiss this morning," he teased, making Bhavya's cheeks turn red. She playfully punched his chest and returned to her seat.

"You should have given him a kiss, bhabhi," Kanak teased.

"Okay, forget it. I have a plan. Ayaan and Rahul always scolds our child a lot. They're friends and share the same mindset. My little ones are constantly getting scolded by Rahul. I have a plan. You know, I saw a fish tank," Kanak said, while Deepak frowned and listened intently to everything.

"Hey, don't... "

Kanak turned to Deepak and approached him.

"Don't bother us, go away," she said.

"Kanak, listen to me, baccha. You all will get into trouble. Parents scold their children when they make mistakes. Don't do something..."

Kanak covered Deepak's mouth.

"We're not doing anything," she said.

"Bhavya, if anything happens, I won't help you. I'm very sure," Deepak said, sitting a little away from them.

"Don't listen to him. Nothing will happen," Kanak said, taking her seat.

"I saw a fish tank with many little crabs. I don't know why mom keeps so many fish tanks and even crabs in them, but they're baby crabs. I have a plan," Kanak said, the girl look at her with curiosity, wanting to know what was going on in Kanak's mind.

"What will you do, Kanak di?" Bhavya asked.

"We can put them in Rahul and Ayaan's underpants. They should know how it feels when someone makes your butt sour " Kanak said, slamming the table.

"No way, what if something happens? And can we do it to Daksh too?" Roshni asked, biting her nails.

"Let's do it and find out if something happens. I don't think anything will happen, but I hope the crabs bite them hard," Kanak mumbled with a mischievous smile on her face.

"I won't touch the crabs. I don't want them to bite me," Aashika mumbled, hiding her hand under the table.

"Me too. I won't put them in Deepak ji's clothes. I don't want the crabs to bite him. But considering how Rahul smacked you in front of us, I think he deserves it," Bhavya said, also hiding her hand under the table.

"So it's settled," Kanak said.

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