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I slowly cut her suit sleeves. Slowly removing it from her hand .

I was right. Her wrist was all red and for some reason there were so many blisters.

Did the crab bite her too that day? I mean yeah my back was in bad condition. And there were some areas even where blisters were filled with yellow liquid. And that's the main reason I didn't let her see. But I don't know why I feel like it's the same.

" Aashi how does this happen " I ask softly.

She shook her head denying to answer. If she is denying that means she has done some mischief again.

" Aashi look at me " I said sternly she look up pouting. Just some week ago I was thinking how my cutie baby has become mature. She leave not a single way to prove me wrong.

" How "

She blinks her eyes and her pout grows more. But she open her mouth and started speaking truth. Madam can't lie to me. She can hide all she wants but if I get a clue she will tell the truth. And I will make no comment over it. I don't want her to prove me wrong.

" So you decide to play with crab " I ask conforming. She shook her head. But realising what she did was actually playing she nodded her head.

" Crabby decided to bite me " She said showing me her hand but only thing come to my mind was her childish act which isn't taking a name to stop.

" It was to scare kanak right? To have little fun, when you already know what it did to me. Everyone scold you but still you decided to do it again. " I scolded bending her over my lap.

" Ayaan what are you doing " She mumble trying to get away in confusion. I can clearly sense confusion in her tone.

But all confusion fade away after one smack. Her eyes widen as she turn her face to my eyes.

" Ayaan leave me "

" Do you think before acting up " I asked and landed my hand on her backside again.

She bit my thighs and reached to hold my hand but I secure her hand on her back softly not wanting to hurt her wrist more and again landed my hand on her lower side.

" Ayaan I'm your wife " She said hissing as I again landed my hand on her butt.

" If you are ok with acting like Aryan and Ayushi then be ok with this too. " I said and hooked my finger on the waist band of her undergarments.

She shook her head and whimper.

" Don't..

Pulling it down to her thighs again I smacked her lower butt .

" Just mischief all the time all day. You aren't a child . Who played with crabs . Who put it in someone's pants . When will you stop acting like this " I scolded again and a smack sound echo in room along with her whimper.

" Leave me " She said but rested her head on bed feeling defected . She can't get away from me. Did she really thought I will let her go. All the time just mischief nothing else.

This time I smack her thighs earning another whimper from her.

" Ayaan it's hurt. I'm your wife. " She whisper I left her hand making her stand in front of me.

Instead of meeting my eyes she free her hand from my hold and corrected her pants.

" Look at me " I said she look up with her tear stained face. Wiping her tears she pick up her suit and without saying anything to me walk towards the closest.

A minute later she came out wearing her night dress.

" Aashika came here " I called her, keeping my tone firm.

She sniffle and turn to me siiting on her side.

" Show me your hand "

She forward her hand. I dip it in water filled bowl to clean it properly.

" I'm applying this ointment. If it will not work then I will bring another. " I mumble and apply ointment on her hand carefully.

She keep sniffling wiping her eyes and nose with her other hand.

" Here take this. One is antibiotics and other one is painkillers. " I passed her two tablet. This is the same with Rahul gave me.

She takes it from my hands and quickly gulps it down. Before she can lay down I pulled her on my lap. For some reason more tears started making it's way out of her eyes.

" Stop crying "

She looked up, punching my chest she crawl to her seat and lay down on her belly.

" Aashika "

She turn her face to opposite direction probably telling me how angry she is with me.

I pulled her blanket landing another smack on her butt cheeks.

" You are going to listen to me. Stop acting like a kid. " I said she sat properly and picked her pillow.

" You aren't treating me like your wife. " She said with hurt tone and went to couche. I shift of couche and pulled her body on my lap. Keeping my hand on her back as a warning sign to not mess up right now.

" Your behavior isn't less then a kid. You end up hurting yourself everytime. When you know those crabs can be dangerous then how can you decide to play with them like that. You aren't a child who doesn't understand a thing ." I scolded again and I can feel she isn't giving a fuck about my talking.

" Ok do whatever you want. Hurt me hurt yourself hurt other too . Then when everyone scold you then don't come to me crying " I said and put her back on couche going to bed.

I wrap myself in a blanket closing my eyes.

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