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" 17 " Aryan said and again sat down and stood up holding his ears.

" 18 "

" 19 "

" 20 "

Aryan sits down and looks at Ayaan.

" Papa done " Aryan said, his eyes give away his feelings of wanting to be in embrace now.

" Ayushi if you think you are getting away then you are wrong and if this skirt is bothering you too much then just take it off. Aryan did the same right. You aren't leaving before doing what I said." Ayaan said and pulled Aryan on his lap and started rubbing his back which was light red.

" I can do what Aryan did "

" Ok so you can get over my knees first. Or you want a slap. " Ayaan asks, Ayushi looked down not ready to give up at any cost.

" Ok go ahead slap me. " She said and stood near him.

He fisted his hand and took a deep breath.

" Aryan go help mummy " Ayaan lightly pat Aryan butt. In response Aryan hiss and run away to the favourite person of this house.

He hugged Aashika's legs and pouted.

" Mumma papa punished me . " He said

" Aw he punished my baccha. " Aashika picked him up and put him on the kitchen counter. Being an over dramatic child he hiss and holds Aashika's hands.

" Mumma hurt. "

" Really can mummy see. "

Aryan nodded his head immediately. Aashika lowered his shorts which got changed by Ayaan and shook her head.

" He made it red bustard. " Aashika said to herself and corrected his clothes. Aryan opened his arm .

" Mumma hurt I don't want to sit . " Ayaan said desperately wanting to come in Aashika's lap.

" Ok come it's almost done. We will eat yummy yummy food. "

" Mummy didi isn't listening to daddy. Daddy is getting angry. " Aryan said resting his head on Aashika's shoulder.

Since Ayaar took both of them to Room so Aashika didn't actually know what happened. Now hearing this her heart wanted to brag in the room but knowing Ayaan is her father only she restrained herself.

" Is it why? "

" Papa told her to become a cock but mumma Didi isn't a coak so how is it possible . You give this to papa he wants Ayushi didi to become this one ." Aryan said utterly confused.

This ' cock ' word surly he heard from Ayushi while she was getting ready in a skirt. And the line he just used was the same Ayushi used in the room which he remembered.

" Cock? " Aashika said confused but when Aryan points at pan she understands what he isn't talking about.

" Leave it you tell me. What will you do on holi? It's a week ahead. " Aashika asked distracting him.

" No first I will complete shh " Aryan mumble putting his finger on Aashika lips making her chuckle.

" Didi told papa to slap her. Then papa send me away. Now I will play with colour and you and me will play together. "

Aashika pouted and her will become stronger.

" Yes we will play alot. " She said and kissed his cheeks.

" Uhh mumma hurt. " Again he said acting up.

" Yes yes I know it's hurt. "

In the room Ayushi was standing on her ground and Ayaan was claiming himself down.

" Ayushi "

" Papa I don't want. That hurts a lot plus that is embarrassing plus my stomach is hurting. You can slap me."

Ayaan blink his eyes and tap his palm on her cheeks softly.

" So now you are showing your stubbornness to me too? Good girl . I told you to repeat the work five times right do it ten times now. Go downstairs put your rough register on table knee down and complete it. " Ayaan said and stand up ready to leave the room.

" And 'I will never disrespect anyone' write it on ten pages both side no space between the line. " Ayaan said and finally walk out if the room.

Ayaan made his way to kitchen finding Aryan on Aashika's arm.

" Oh little boy..

" I'm a man " Aryan said immediately moving spoon on gravy.

" Yes man who got his butt...

" MUMMY " Aryan said whining.

Aashika chuckle and put Aryan on counter then pull Ayaan on side.

" Where is Ayushi. "

" Must be bringing her register. " Ayaan said and sigh.

" She has because stubborn thanks to you. Before she didn't listen to you only but she listened to me but now she doesn't even listen to me . " Ayaan said and rub his temple.

" Yeha Aryan told me. It's ok she is just kid. "

" And you, come to the room i will give you a few smacks too." Ayaan saud rolling his eyes.

Their eyes fall on Ayushi who come holding the hem of her skirt.

" I will assume position. I can't write so much. " Ayushi started to lean down but Ayaan firm hand stop her.

" Ayushi don't test my patience. Bring your notebook and do what I told you to do. " Ayaan said sternly.

" Papa it's too much. Mummy I can't write that much. "

Aashika put on stern face and turn to Ayushi.

" Your dad told you to do something and if you don't do it then forget about park two weeks. " Aashika said Ayushi started to whine but with a thud Sound Ayushi started rubbing her thighs.

" Papa " She hissed but still Ayaan glare at her.

" Didi was writing at school too. She didn't even eat due to writing and her fingers were red too. " Comes Aryan voice. Aryan pouted and jump down from the counter.

" Papa forgive didi. She is innocen like me. "

" Innocent " Aashika corrected and sigh.

" Sit on dinner table Food is almost done." Ayaan said after a long pause.

" You are angry? "

" I'm upset you have become too much stubborn. You disappoint me too much. " Ayaan said and hold her wrist and take her to dinning table.

" Sit let's fill your tummy. Nothing is more upsetting then a empty stomach Ayushi."

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