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" Wake up Aashi " I gently whispered in Aashika's ear, urging her to wake up. Instead of waking up, she snuggled closer to me.

"Do you not want to wake up?" I asked, softly caressing her hair. She shook her head and moved even closer to me.

"Will you actually punish my baby?" she asked, looking at me with a cute expression. I could tell that she had calmed down since last night when she was angry.

"Should I?"

She nodded her head but bit her lip.

"You go to the gym," she said, placing my hand on her cheek.

"I go occasionally, you know that. And don't worry, I won't slap his cheeks because they're too fluffy to be slapped," I said, playfully pulling her cheeks.

I wasn't even considering raising my hand against him. He is my little baby. And even if I did, I would never use any of my strength.

"No, don't hit my sona butt. I will beat you too if you do that," she said with comical eyes. I chuckled and nodded my head.

"I won't use any strength in doing that, Aashi. You will be present there, okay? I know your sona is my sona too. Now wake up, otherwise the kids will be late," I said. She whined and shook her head.

"Go wake them up. I will take a bath," Aashika said. I held her and looked at the time.

"Let's just stay like this for twenty minutes. You can take a bath after the kids go to school. You know, we can both take it together," I suggested. She smiled and hugged me.

"So it's a yes?" I asked. She pushed me aside and shook her head.

"I have to do puja first. I will have breakfast with you. I also have to make my babies' lunch, and you are included in this, baby," she said, pecking my lips.

I love this kind of morning, but I don't want the night to fall. I don't want to see any of my babies with teary eyes.

"Aashi," I softly called out, holding her hand.


"Make Aryan's favorite for dinner. I will be back in the evening," I said and got out of bed as well.

"You get ready first. I'm going to sweep the floor," I said she shook her head.

"She mumbled, 'Leave it on me.'"

"No, first you didn't let me appoint any maid and now you don't even want my help. Go and take a shower, otherwise I will smack you first," I said before leaving the room. I knew I would be done by the time she finished showering and made lunch for us.

After cleaning up, I peeked into the kitchen and found Aashika making lunch.

After washing my hands, I went to my baby' s room. They were both sleeping, cuddling each other.

I gently shook them, and Ayushi woke up first. She looked at her side and then at Aryan, which brought tears to her eyes. Clearly, she was worried.

She kissed his cheeks and hugged him again.

"Papa, I'm sorry," she said, looking back at me.

"Why are you sorry, jaan?" I said, rubbing her back.

She hugged me tightly and pointed at Aryan.

"I told... him to go away and... if I see him at home, I will punch him. Sorry."

Indeed, she was sorry, but why did she like to threaten him? And to the point where he actually left the house. We were all worried about him, what if he had actually gone somewhere?

I broke the hug and looked at her with a stern expression. she really wanted to be bossy right? she wants to bully him. I had enough of this behavior from her. I had never made any comparisons between them, yet she still acted like this.

"Get ready for school," I said in the same tone, shaking Aryan. After a few minutes, he woke up too.

"Take a bath and get ready for school," I said. He opened his arms to hug me, but quickly lowered them as soon as his eyes fell on Ayushi. She must have said something again. Why did she like to do this?

I firmly instructed Aryan to go to the bathroom. He quickly got out of bed and ran inside.

"Did you say anything else to him?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips. She looked down and nodded her head.

"I told him not to hug you two," she whispered.

"Go take a bath and get ready," I said. She made a face and asked, "Can I use a different bathroom? His poop smell." She covered her nose.

Someone please kill me.

"Go to my room, but don't take a shower. It will wet your hair. Go now, get ready, and one more thing...your smell too," I said, leaving the room without missing her shocked face.

I got ready myself and went to the kitchen to tell my beautiful wife about her daughter's actions.

"Why did you take a bath in the guest room bathroom?" she asked, leaning on me.

"They were about to start a fight for the bathroom. By the way, did you know what your daughter did?" I said, starting to tell her about Ayushi's misdeed.

"This girl...just wait, she wants to taste my slippers," Aashi said, but I held her hand.

"Let me handle this time. I'm sure it will never happen again," I said, kissing her cheeks.

"Why does she bully him?"

"She shows her love like this. What can I do? It's like only she can bully him because all the complaints we receive from school are about Ayushi punching someone for saying something to Aryan."

"Yes...but it's wrong. She shouldn't bully him either," Aashi whined, stomping her feet. I really like this little thing about her. I love how she still manages to steal my heart with each of her actions.

She even looks beautiful when she cries.

Both Aryan and Ayushi come downstairs. Ayushi hair was open she was holding comb and rubber band.

I can't do her hair like Aashi do . I love towards Aryan correcting his clothes. I tuck his shirt inside his pant and pat his butt after I was done with it. I move turn him back to tie his tie after this my eyes fall on his shoes.

" Big guy At least learn this " I said and rie the knots of his shoes. He smile at me which I don't return. I'm angry I can't forgot. But since he was looking at me with his doe eyes so I ruffled his hair just to comb it later.

" Ayushi ready? Pick up your bread omelette you can eat it in car. Aashi you checked their bag. " I ask she nodded her head and put their tiffin in bag.

" Have a nice day " She said to them and kiss both of them on forehead.

" I will come back to have a breakfast together ok and we will make lunch plan again this weekend. " I said and peck Aashi lips before taking car keys.

" Drive safely. " She said back and sir on chair and started using her phone.

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