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Tony hit the floor, his breath knocked out of him, his side hurting from the kick. You'd think he'd learn his lesson by now but nope, he had to run his mouth and get cocky, which resulted in him getting his ass beat, again.

Trying to catch his breath, he rolled to his back and held his hands up in a 'T' sign, calling for time out, and as usual, she didn't give a shit. She stood there with her arms folded, tapping her foot impatiently at him. He took a quick glance at the others, knowing that no one was going to step in, they didn't dare to, they knew what would happen if they did.

'The longer you take Stark, the worse it's going to be..'.. She sighed out in disappointment.

'How could it get any worse..'.. He muttered, and pushed himself up to his feet... 'I don't see why this is helping..'.. He gestured between them.

'The 1,043 times I've said it, hasn't sunk in yet? If your memory is starting to go, maybe you should be retired..'.. She tilted her head at him, and he scoffed.

'I started this team..'.. Again, another time he should learn to shut his mouth, and she came at him before his brain could register that she had moved. She slid behind him, and came up, putting him in a chokehold.

Struggling to breathe and to stay conscious, he tapped out, and she released him, letting him drop to his knees. He could tell she was disappointed... 'Any one else want to make an asinine comment?..'.. He heard her ask, and everyone responded with 'no BB'.

'Stark, we have less than three months to get you lot into shape. If you want to be the goverments little bitches, then go right ahead..'.. She moved to the side, gesturing to the door... 'Go sign it. You've all made valid points, but do you really want there to be an all out war, and you have to sit by watching it happen, because the goverment has you on a leash?..'

Steve raised his hand, and she nodded to him... 'I never wanted to sign in the first place..'.. He glanced to Tony, who got back up again... 'A lot of us don't. What happened in Lagos, wasn't Wandas fault, it was mine..'

'Wrong..'.. She cuts him off... 'It was everyone's fault. You need to admit your mistakes, rather than brushing them off. I'm not here to hold your hands and pat you on the back, I'm here to get you functioning properly, as a team. I'm not going to sugar coat any shit for you, I'll be honest, and yes, I'm going to sound like an absolute bitch about it, but if you want to continue, with the freedoms you have now, then you need to listen..'

'Uh..'... Scott held up his hand, trying not show she scared him... 'Do I really have to be here? I mean, I'm not exactly an Avenger..'

'You don't have to be here Lang, not at all. Go sign, and resign. But just know, you and your family will be watched for the rest of your lives. One little move on your part, and they'll have you locked up in the raft, and you'll never see your daughter again. Her life will be under a microscope..'.. She held her arm out to the door, giving him a look.

'Got it, stay here..'.. He rocked back on his heels, his hands in his pockets. When he had been called in by Falcon, to assist Captain America, he didn't ever think he'd ever be here, with the team.

'Wh-what about me?..'.. Peter held his hand up, nervously as her gaze slid to him.

Same rules apply to you too Parker. You became a part of this team, the moment you took a stand ready to fight. You want to keep saving the neighbourhood, I get that, well you're going to have to prove you deserve to have that suit..'.. She nodded to him... 'I'm not going to take it easy on you, just because you're a kid. Age doesn't matter here, and everyone will treat you as an equal..'

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