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She focused, and appeared at the coordinates, that Friday had given her through her comm. Fury wanted to talk, about something important. Sighing, she folded her arms, looking around the large open field she was in. Hearing a noise, she looked behind her and saw a light, shine down on the ground and then it widened, as a container came down.

Of course, he had been on SABER. Sighing to herself, she tapped her foot as she waited, and he walked out towards her... 'We have a problem..'

'By 'we' I'm guessing you and everyone else..'.. She said, as he came over, stopping in front of her.

'No, WE have a problem..'.. She huffed and took his arm, taking him to a small, quiet bar, on the outskirts in New Orleans. She ordered them both a drink as he went to sit in a booth at the back. Thanking the barman, she picked up their drinks and sat down opposite Fury... 'I have information, about Ross..'

BB rolled her eyes... 'Yeah, I can read you Fury, I'll get right on it. Its no surprise what he's doing. I hurt his feelings, now he's retaliating..'... She sipped her drink.

'And where you're from? What was he like there?..'.. Fury leaned his arms on the table, sitting forward.

'Nope, no spoilers, so quit asking. I'll take care of Ross, that's not a problem..'.. She set him with a look, and he shook his head.

'You can't kill him..'.. He picked up his glass.

'Oh, I won't kill him..'.. She smirked... 'I don't even need to say a damn word, but this just cuts the probation short for the team..'

Fury watched her, but she didn't give anything away, she never did... 'You think you can get back, to where you're from?..'

'I plan on it. The fact that I dont exist here, makes things so much easier. But I will say this..'.. She lowered her voice... 'You need to end that project right now..'.. Her voice turned hard, as she stared him down... 'Just because I'm not from here, doesn't mean you have any right to attempt it. I can and will shut everything down, and burn this world to ash..'

He sat back, blinking at her... 'What your bunch of idiots are attempting, is dangerous. There are millions of them, and you want to start up something you know nothing about? Creating a door, can go wrong. You can puncture, create cracks in the fabric of reality, and not even know what you're letting in..'

'You made it through..'...

'It was a fluke Fury. Believe me, I know more about it than you, than anyone else in this world, and I'm telling you, to shut it down..'.. She cleared her glass, and nudged it away.

He thought over her words. If what she said was true, and honestly, he did believe her about it, last thing he wanted to do, was create a portal where another army could invade.

'I'm in the systems, so I will wipe any traces but those you have working for you, they'll talk. Either for a price or blackmail, so put them down..'.. She drummed her fingers on the table.

'You're nothing like him, you know. He wouldn't suggest killing people..'.. He drained his glass.

'Good. That's the difference between me and him, I know the true value of life, he doesn't. People die every day, and I will gladly take a life if it means the world continues..'.. She scoffed a smile.

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