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BB sighed, for the first week, it wasn't so bad. She had made sure to keep in contact with Pietro and Fury, wearing a comm at all times. She had installed programs in Friday, making sure to keep any trace or files Stark had on her, to a minimum. She could erase it completely, but he didn't really have much on her at the moment.

She had read through the files of the others that he had, and helped to keep the government locked out of his systems. She also had back door access to the government's files, and she chuckled, slowly erasing everything they had on the Avengers, and also scoped out anyone what was on the radar that she didn't know about.

The team were doing good, with Stark being the main issue. He was so damn stubborn, and frustrating, she wanted to punch him half the time. Well, more than half but she held back on her restraint.

'Hey..'.. She turned her head, from her laptop at her desk, and saw Barnes stood in her bedroom doorway. She always made sure the door was open, so if anyone wanted to talk, they could. She also knew some would snoop, and she had seen Stark and Romanoff do it the past week.

'How can I help you Barnes?..'.. She closed her laptop, and gestured for him to come in. He closed the door, and moved, to sit on the chair by her window, fidgeting.

'Tony and Rhodey told us, that I have been cleared, with a full pardon, on the condition of this probation. Thank you..'.. He rushed out... 'I'll do whatever it takes, to prove myself, so whatever you need me to do, I'll do it..'

He was so much like her uncle, she couldn't help but smile as she sat back in her desk chair. She waved her hand, making two glasses of scotch appear, but with a little more omph in them than normal. She handed over over to him, which he took with a small smile.

'You don't have to thank me Barnes, I know that everything that happened to you, was not your doing. I'd fight for you, the same as everyone else on this team..'.. She chuckled... 'Except maybe Stark, he's a pain in my ass..'

She saw him smile more as he sat back... 'You don't give much away, do you?..'

'Nope, I can't. There's a lot, and honestly I highly doubt I'd be believed, even if I did say, but the reasons I can't say, are the very reasons I'm doing this, that I'm here..'.. She swirled her glass.

'And thats another thing you can't talk about?..'.. He sipped his drink.

'Yep. I know it's hard for any of you to trust me, but if I wanted to hurt or kill any of you, I would've by now. Though in still debating with Stark..'... She rolled her eyes.

'I trust you. After talking with the others, we all do, not sure about Stark, but the rest of us, we trust you. It doesn't matter if you can't talk about it, we've seen it, you're here to help..'... He gave her a smile, and she chuckled, tapping his shoe with her foot.

'No, nope. I know that look Barnes, I'm here as a friend and nothing more..'.. She chuckled.

'I didn't say anything..'.. He smirked back and she shook her head.

'Bad time to tell you I can hear your thoughts?..'.. She saw his eyes widen in surprise, as she drank her glass empty, feeling the familiar burn.

'That's something new about you. Didn't know you could hear thoughts..'.. He sighed, shaking his head at her... 'I'm not telling anyone about that, would come in handy when playing poker though..'

She laughed, setting her glass down... 'I know you can be trusted Barnes, that I could tell you anything, and you wouldn't speak a word, but you forget, we have another mind reader here, and no offence to miss Maximoff, but she gossips with Romanoff..'

'That's true. The two of them are always whispering..'.. Bucky thought it over... 'Does anyone hate me?..'

'No, of course not. The whole team are glad you're here, and that you're safe. Parker looks up to you, thinks you're so cool, and kinda wishes he had your confidence..'.. She smiled at him... 'I promise Barnes, no one hate you..'

She could see that was a weight off his shoulders, and he took a deep breath, sipping his drink again... 'What is this? Its really good, and its like I can feel the affects..'

'Its my favourite drink. Here..'.. She made a decanter appear on her desk... 'You can have this one. I recommend you take it easy on it though, it's quite strong..'

'Thanks BB. I really mean it..'.. He sat forward, putting his empty glass on her desk, before looking at her... 'I don't want to think about what could've happened, if you hadn't stepped in when you did. Honestly, even I would've believed that tape..'

'It was a fake Barnes, I promise. Now, if I know anything, it's that there is a certain redhead assassin who has been checking you out though..'.. She smirked at him, as he caught on to what she was saying, and grinned back.

'Yeah, been checking her out too. Just didn't think with our history, she'd want anything to do with me..'.. He shrugged.

'Well, she did get injured by the soldier, not you. So maybe you should go check she's ok and kiss it better..'.. She winked at him, and he full on laughed.

'I like that you're fun..'.. He stood up, and headed for her door.

'I'm a barrel of laughs Barnes..'.. She stood, walking with him, as he stopped out into the hallway.... 'Only the special ones get to see this side of me..'

She saw him smile again, a real genuine smile, reminding her of her uncle yet again... 'I appreciate that you think I'm special..'.. He headed left, towards the main room, and she turned back to sit at her desk, leaving her door open. She knew Stark would've seen her and Barnes interaction in the hall.

Opening her laptop again, the screen flickered to life, and she carried on doing her research. She was trying to find something, anything that would get her back home. Touching the chain beneath her shirt, she sighed, wanting nothing more than to be back with her family.

If she told any of the Avengers here, they'd probably have her locked up, with Stark being the first on the queue, though she did wonder how he would take the truth.

Two years, seven weeks, four days, eleven hours and twenty three minutes, since she last saw her family, since she was back home. A part of her wished she tried harder to pul herself back through, but she couldn't, not without the other two falling instead.


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