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Tony sighed, running a hand over his face... 'Kid, I-..'

'No. No lies, I want the truth..'.. Peter looks between the three of them, turning to BB... 'Did you know?..'

'Yes. I knew before anyone else..'.. She shook her head... 'When I first came here, I looked up everyone I knew from my world, and dug deep. Seeing that you existed, I searched into everything about you. Your birth mother, its a lot to explain-..'

'Then explain it..'.. He dropped back against the table behind him.

'Your birth mother had one night with Tony, and when she found she was pregnant she went to go tell him, but Obidiah Stane intercepted her. He threatened her, and her family, if she ever went public about it, or tried to tell Tony. She was terrified, and did her best to run and hide. An old friend of hers, she knew her friend had a good life, married, trying to have children, so when her waters broke, she went to them and told them a story..'

BB glanced over to Tony... 'They helped her have her baby, and the next day, she disappeared. The couple had been trying for years, and after a few miscarriages, they had given up. They talked about it, and kept the baby. Creating documents, a birth certificate, and they raised the child as their own, you..'.. BB gestured to Peter... 'Tony didnt know, not until I told him. A DNA will prove it Parker..'

'There's more, isn't there?.'... Peter swallowed the lump in his throat, feeling nauseous.

'B, don't. Please..'.. Tony walked closer.

'I want to know, everything...'.. Peter looked up at him... 'How long have you known?..'

'A few months, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want to change your view on your parents. I honestly couldn't have thought of two better people to raise you, love and care for you. And May. You already had a dad, I didn't want to take that from you..'.. Tony sighed, watching him.

'No, but I still should've known..'.. Peter cleared his throat... 'What else?..'

BB took a deep breath... 'Stane found out, he was trying to find you. He knew at any moment, it would come out that Tony had a kid, someone who would inherit everything, and could one day take over the company. He didn't want that. He went for your parents..'

Peter saw the look in her face, he knew what she meant... 'When they were gone, he got to your uncle Ben. He was going for May next, but Tony had taken him out before he had a chance to..'

Peter dropped to the floor, resting his head on his knees... 'I'm sorry Peter. I'm sorry you lost them, and you had to find out like this..'.. BB crouched down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

'I never wanted to take the memories of your parents, I know how much you loved them, and your uncle. They're gone, because of me. I wish I knew sooner-..'

'But you did..'.. Peter cut Tony off... 'You've known for months, and didn't tell me. You all knew, right? You've all known it, and not one of you thought I should know!..'.. Peter shrugged BB off of him... 'Does May know?..'

'No, she doesn't..'.. Tony moved down, sitting on the floor opposite him... 'I have no good reason, for not telling you, and I will be forever sorry for it. Not wanting you to think differently of your parents, worrying about the target this will put on your back, when it becomes public, being scared. They're all things I've been telling myself, but I should've talked to you, instead of thinking I knew best..'.. He saw Tony and BB share a look.

'Wait, wait..'.. Peter put his hand up... 'I'm your kid, here?..'.. He pointed to Tony... 'And you're his kid in another reality?..'.. He pointed to BB, as it all swirled around in his head... 'So, that mean your my sister, and you screwed your own brother?..'.. He pulled a face.

'No, no no. No..'.. BB shook her head... 'In my one, my Peter, hes definitely not related to Tony. He's 100% a Parker. They didn't misscarry there, he was their first and only child..'

'You don't think of me like that, right?.'... Peter pulled another grossed out look, and she rolled her eyes.

'No Parker, I don't. I just see you as the little brother I always wanted..'.. She gave him a small smile.

'Its still weird..'.. He shook his head, and ran a hand through his hair... 'This is a lot to take in..'

'I know, and I'm sorry you weren't told sooner. But look at it like this..'.. BB sat cross legged on the floor... 'You had amazing parents, uncle and an aunt, who is definitely hot by the way..'.. She nudged him... 'And now you have another chance at family, just like me. Tony isn't expecting to take your dad's place, but he does love you as his own, even before he knew about it. You've got me, and you've got a niece..'

Peter smiled at the thought of Evie being his niece, he adored the girl... 'I can't believe this, I mean. I just..'.. He shook his head.

'I firmly believe, that in every reality, Peter Parker was always going to be Spiderman..'.. She smiled at him... 'Destiny and fate are intertwined, so you being here, I think it was meant to happen..'

Peter chuckled, nodding at her, and looking over to Tony... 'I'm gonna need time to get through all this..'

'Understandable, but just know, we're all here for you kid. But for the love of God, stop calling me Mr Stark, and call me Tony, like that one..'.. Tony jerked a thumb at BB.

'Uh, sure. Sorry, we uh, we were meant to be doing something?..'... Peter looked between them.

'Uh uh, let's first talk about why you were messing with the suit, again..'.. BB pointed up at the table, and Peter groaned.

'I hate that the training wheels. I'm 16 now, and I just wanted to access more, that's all..'.. Peter pouted at BB.

'I'm a mom, that shit don't work with me, so don't even try..'.. She pointed at him... 'We put all these features in, as failsafe to protect you, you don't need to access anything. But..'.. She put a hand to his shoulder... 'You can use my lab, to design a new suit, and make a list of what you want, and the three of us, will compromise, ok?..'

Peter grinned at her, and nodded... 'Thanks B..'.. He leaned over and hugged her, as the doors opened again.

'Hey, uh-..'.. BB looked over to her Peter, and nodded at him, as he looked at the scene in front of him.

'He knows now..'.. She stood up... 'Banners fault..'.. She nodded to the man who started stammering, and she laughed... 'Banner it's ok, not the way we wanted him to know, but don't worry about it. Now..'.. She held a hand out to Parker, helping him up then Tony... 'Pym and the others did it, now we just got to redesign the RJ..'

Big Peter chuckled, he could see how much she adored Parker, Tony and everyone here, she didn't really want to leave in the first place. He hoped she would settle down, she deserved to be happy... 'Let's get started..'... He walked over to her, kissing the side of her head, and moving to her station. Glancing up, and seeing the three Starks together, he shook his head with a smile, they looked good as a family.


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