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BB was on edge, watching him out the corner of her eye. It had been two weeks since they were reunited, but he still had her shut out. His whole body language, whenever she would laugh and joke with the team, especially the men, she knew he was being jealous.

But it was her friendship with this Loki, that had Grant making little snipe comments under his breath, as though she wouldn't be able to hear him. She had enough of it all, and had a plan to find out what was wrong.

Her Peter now shared a room with little Parker, and Tony had made sure that Evie had her own room, all kitted out with everything the little girl would want, her room now next to theirs. It surprised her that Laufeyson had offered to switch rooms, just so Evie could be close to them.

Her and Grant on the other hand, they talked but he was still hiding something from her, and she flat out refused to be intimate with him until he told her. He swore on their daughters life he wasn't hiding anything and that the time they were separated hadn't done either of them any good.

She sighed, seeing Grant sat at the dining table, laughing and joking with Rogers, Barnes and Hill. Evie was on a couch, playing with Wanda and Pepper, having a little tea party between them. The others were dotted around the room, her eyes catching on Tony who nodded, tapping his pocket.

'Evie..'.. She walked over, smiling at her daughter, and sat on the edge of the coffee table... 'Wasn't there something you wanted to ask the girls?..'

Evie beamed at her mother, looking around at the women... 'Can we have a girls shopping day?..'

'Evie told me yesterday, that she wanted to spend time with all the women to have have a girls day out, and get to know you more. If thats ok with all of you?..'.. BB looked around at them, seeing smiles.

'I think that's a great idea..'.. Nat nodded... 'Girls, get yourselves ready, and meet down in the garage..'

'Romanoff, she can teleport you all to the city and back..'.. BB tells the woman as she stood.

'Absolutely not, I appreciate it, but today, no powers, just girls having fun..'.. Nat winked at Evie who giggled.

'Potts, can you take Evie down to the garage please? Shes ready to go..'.. She saw Potts give her a question look but nodded, her and Maximoff each holding one of Evies hands as they left the room. Hill, and Romanoff followed after them.

'You're a girl, you not going?..'.. Wilson asked, looking over at her.

'I'll join them shortly, but first I have something I want to do..'.. She smiled, her tone flirty as she walked over to the table, pulling Grants chair out enough, that she could sit on his lap.

Tony walked over to the other side of the table, with his coffee, his other hand in his pocket, as he stopped opposite BB... 'You two got a room, you know..'

She kept her attention on Grant, smiling at him as she leaned in, kissing him, her hands slipping behind her own back. She felt him grip her thighs, and she heard them slide across the table, into her hands. As quick as she could, she moved and slapped them on his wrists, pulling back to look at Grant.

She shifted back to sit on the edge of the table, and brought her legs up, kicking him hard in the chest, his chair skidded back, hitting the floor and causing him to roll... 'What the hell, trouble?..'.. She saw him inspect his wrists, having no idea what they were.

'You fucking asshole!..'.. She gritted out at him, standing up... 'It wasn't even a full two days for you, and you fucked someone else..'

'What?..'.. Her Peter got to his feet, coming to her side... 'He wouldn't do that Charley..'.. He shook his head..  'Grant loves you, and we were in another reality. Who coul-..'.. It was as though he realised... 'No, you didn't..'.. Peters eyes were on Grant, who got to his feet... 'Dude, tell me you didn't..'

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