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*7 months later*

'Take a fucking breath, and calm the fuck down!..'.. Charley raises her voice to her dad as he was panicking, and she helped her mom to stand... 'She's having a baby, not leaving you. All you got to do is hold her hand, not push a human bolder out of your vagina..'

Peter chuckled, and rocked his one month old daughter in his arms... 'We got everything here, good luck Pepper, I think you'll need it for him than giving birth..'... He nodded to Tony.

'Thank you Peter. I feel fine at the moment, but I think I'll ask Bruce and Helen to set up another bed for Tony. I may just render him unconscious at some point..'.. She said with a smile, making him and Charley chuckle.

Everyone else were on their own missions at the moment, but Friday had sent out an alert. Parker was running one team while Sharon ran the other. Maria was currently in her own office, heavily pregnant and due in two months. Evie was sitting in the large play pen near the windows, playing with Jamie who was almost ten months.

'Grampa, if you make gramma worry, I'll make you hurt..'... She popped her head over the side of the playpen, looking at him... 'Gramma and Morgan will be ok..'

Tony let out a breath of relief and nodded to his granddaughter... 'Thanks little mischief. Ok..'.. He turned to his wife and and daughter. Wife, he had married her four months ago, wanting both Pepper and Morgan to have the same name... 'Let's get this show on the road..'.. He moved to Peppers other side, taking her hand and placing a kiss to her lips... 'You're beautiful Mrs Stark..'

Charley could see her mom soften, and she smiled... 'Dad, sexy time later, can we just get mom to med bay, and have Morgan before you think of knocking her up again?..'

The two held onto Pepper, one either side as they slowly made their way to Bruce in med bay. Charley wasn't worried, Evie hadn't seen anything bad happen. She knew the kids were safe with Peter, everyone else were doing well on the missions, and in the last few weeks, she felt peaceful, even with the sleepless nights with Sophie.

Once they got Pepper situated, she stayed at her mom's side, holding her hand while her dad held the other. It took a few hours, but by the time everyone else returned from their missions, Morgan was born, 7lbs 12ozs. Beautiful baby girl was here, and Charley couldn't help but cry, seeing how happy her dad was, holding his newborn daughter in his arms.

'Are you ok?..'.. Her mom asked from the bed.

'I'm just happy..'.. She gave her mom's hand a squeeze... 'How are you feeling?..'.. She sent a wave of magic through their connected hands, helping to relieve her mom of her discomfort.

Pepper moaned slightly at the wave for of magic Charley gave her... 'Much better now. He looks happy, right?..'.. They look to Tony, as he paced about, talking quietly to Morgan, and Charley could hear every word.

'Mom, you just gave him the best gift he could ever want..'.. She smiled at Pepper... 'I know he's got me and Parker, but you gave him the chance to be a dad, right from the beginning, I promise you, he's happy, and by what he's telling Morgan, he plans on giving her another brother, two pair if he can..'.. Both laugh quietly, and continue watching him.

'Hey..'.. All three turn, to see Parker there at the door.

'Come in and meet your sister..'.. Tony smiles at the kid, seeing Parkers face light up as he walked in... 'You want to sit to hold her?..'... He chuckled at the vigorous nod, and jerked his chin to the chair at the side of Peppers bed... 'Go sit down..'.. Parker moved fast, quickly washing his hands and then sat in the chair, holding his arms cradled, ready for Morgan.

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