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Swaying to the music that played through the speakers in the ceiling of the VIP room, BB had her eyes closed, her arms above her head as she moved. She could feel eyes on her, hear the murmurs of the others talking, but she didn't care. A small smirk played on her lips, as she dropped her arms, and moved forward to the two way windows, that overlooked the dance floor. She wanted to be out there, find someone even if it was one night. She deserved to let go, have some meaningless fun. Hell, she'd settle for a quick fuck in the toilets if it helped to ease the frustration.

'Come on B, don't leave me dancing on my own..'.. Nat called and she turned back, smiling over at her.

'Let's have a break, and a drink. Then I want to go out there..'.. She jerked a thumb behind her to the windows, walking over to settle in the seating area of the room with the others.

'We can't go out there..'.. Steve shook his head... 'Don't want attention, we just want to have some fun, a night off..'

'Ok then, when you lot go back, I'll go out there..'.. She shrugged, sitting next to Bucky, and then pulled Nat onto her lap, and sliding her across to Bucky who chuckled.

'We're not leaving you on your own, if you want to go out there, then we can watch from here..'.. Steve nods to the windows.

'I'm a big girl Rogers, I can take care of myself, have done for years..'.. She laughed... 'Besides, I might be going home with one if them, depends on who's not an asshole and has a big dick..'.. She leaned forward to grab her drink as Steve choked on his.

'I'll never get used to you B..'.. He coughed out, and took a deep breath as the others laughed.

'You're going to hook up?..'.. Nat asked her and she shrugged.

'Its been years, and not married anymore. I'll still feel guilty about it, but hey at least I'd have had a good dickin, hopefully..'.. BB raised her glass and then knocked it back in one.

'Why not screw one of us?..'.. P says, watching her.

BB raises an eyebrow at him, setting her glass back down. She flitted through his thoughts and Belovas, reading the two of them. Out of curiosity, she read them all, except Peter, she swore she never would and she kept that promise, nor could she read Loki, he was blocking her. As if he could feel her trying to get into his head, he smirked at her.

'I'm not screwing any of you. You lot are couples, and I aint a home wrecker. Secondly, you're all family, how I felt about my guys, isn't what I feel for you lot. Yes, I love you all, but in a family way..'.. She smiled over at Pietro, seeing a little pout.

'Serious question though..'.. Sam raised his bottle... 'You don't plan on having the five guys again? I mean, the ones from here...'

BB pulled a face at him... 'Gross, no offence to you lot, but no. Parker is a kid, Rogers and P are in relationships, and they are completely different from my guys. Rogers wouldn't abandon family for one, and P is much to soft of a good guy..'.. She gestured to the two of them... 'Loki is not the same as mine, this one lives up to his title more than mine did. So, no. I'm not planning on taking anyone's guy from them, or splitting people up, or replacing what I lost. Why the hell would I want people to think they're second best, or replacements? I'm not that much of a bitch..'.. She snorted, and conjured a fresh drink.

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