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Everyone was at the meeting that BB had called, including Parker. She made sure the meeting was after his school time, not wanting to disrupt his day. Tony watched as she paced back and forth at the other end of the table, her hand to her chest, and though there was something beneath it... 'B, what's wrong?..'. He rested his arms on the table.

'Ok, I'll come right out and say it. You may not believe me, but honestly, I've come to love being here, with you all. I honestly thought I'd be nothing more than a broken shell, but being here, I've started to heal, to fix..'.. She leaned on the table, looking down, and taking a deep breath before she stood straight.

'The reason you can't find anything on me, is because I don't exist, here. I'm not from here, from this reality..'.. She saw confusion on almost everyone's faces.... 'The multiverse is real..'.. Parkers eyes went wide... 'I'm from earth, a different one. I landed here, over two years ago, and kept myself hidden. Only one other knows about me, Fury..'.. She saw the surprise in them all.

'I have a question..'.. Parkers hand shot up in excitement... 'Am I still spiderman, where you're from?..'.. She chuckled, and blew out a breath.

'I'm my reality, Peter Parker is older, and my best friend, We're a team, and yes he's still spiderman..'.. She chuckled... 'He calls me his sister, and to me, he's my brother..'

'That's so cool..'.. Parker grinned at her.

'The Avengers don't exist in my world, and a lot of what happened in yours, didn't happen in mine. I know this is a lot to take in, I get it. It took me a while to realise I was in another universe, and not actually dreaming..'.. She shook her head.

'It really exists?..'.. Stark asked her, and she nodded... 'Whats different about your world? Am I in it?..'.. He smiled... 'Tell me I'm still as handsome, and rich..'

Tony saw her smile falter, and a sense of dread took over... 'Um..'.. She tapped her fingers on the table... 'Remember I told you, about my dad?..'.. She looked at him, straight at him.

'Wait..'.. He took a minute, thinking back what she said... 'That he died. He was on a huma-..'

'Humanitarian mission, in Afghanistan, in 2009, when his convoy was hit, yeah. In my reality, you were my father..'.. She blew out a breath, seeing him shocked... 'I'll  start at the beginning, where things changed from my timeline, and yours..'

She pulled a chair close... 'I found that the timeliness split, from those two..'.. She gestured to Steve and Bucky... 'It wasn't Barnes that fell from the train, and got taken by Hydra..'

Steve sat up straight, hearing that it was him, he didn't know what to say...  'When Zola was captured, Howard had information, that Barnes had been given a different version of the serum. So, within hours he became the new Captain America. He took down Schmidts plane before it took off, and then went on to help end the war..'

Everyone exchanged looks, not knowing what to say... 'After that, Barnes along with Carter and Howard, created SHIELD. Anyone who came across their radar as Hydra was taken down, almost instantly. But then they heard about the winter soldier. 15 years after the war ended, and they had a chance to stop them, knowing exactly who it was..'.. She sighed, glancing to Rogers... 'By 1969, Hydra had been eradicated. SHIELD continued with Howard being its director, until his son was born, and Barnes took over, with his wife, Peggy..'

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