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BB was exhausted, but at least she managed to get at least two hours of sleep. Reaching out to grab her phone om her nightstand, her door banged open, and a she felt someone jump on the bed, giggling... 'Happy Birthday mama..'.. BB smiled and turned her head, shuffling to sit up as Evie climbed into her lap, hugging her tightly.

'Thank you baby..'.. She kissed her daughter head... 'So, what do you have planned for us today?..'

'Its a surprise, and we need to go see everyone..'.. Evie got off her and started bouncing on the bed, excited making BB laugh.

'Ok ok..'.. She got out of bed, and used her magic to change her clothes and headed to the bathroom. Once she was done, she walked back in her room, just as Evie jumped at her... 'I'm going to call you squirrel from now on I think..'.. She chuckled, tickling Evie and settling her on her feet. She teleported them to the main room, seeing a few others there.

'Happy birthday..'.. They cheered, and she rolled her eyes.

'Of course you told them..'.. She looked down at Evie who just shrugged at her.

'You're old. Old people should have birthday parties too, before they forget. Old people forget things, like they forget to put their teeth in or wipe their bum..'... Evie skipped over to the table, leaving her mother gaping like a fish while the others chuckled and laughed.

'She's definitely a mini you..'.. Tony walked over, handing her a coffee.

'That snark and attitude comes from being a Stark, it's a hereditary trait..'.. She shook her head, a smile on her lips, watching her daughter settle herself next to Pepper... 'I feel sorry for whoever she ends up with, they'll have their hands full with her..'

Tony laughed, and nudged her shoulder with his... 'You ok?..'.. She moved to sit on a couch, and he followed, sitting next to her.

'I don't know what to do with myself. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, got a second chance but..'.. She sighed, keeping her voice low... 'I'm scared. For me, it's been almost four years since I left my reality, and I haven't been with anyone since. Grant literally fucked off to another universe, chasing his past, but..'

'Do you still love him?..'... Tony asked.

'Yes, I still love him and my Loki, but looking at the two from here, I do love them, but not the same way. I love them like family, and they make Evie happy. I just..'.. She ran a hand through her hair... 'I don't know if I should move on or not. She's already taken to calling them papa and daddy, I don't want to bring another person into her life, not knowing if they'll stay. Having to explain it all to them..'

Tony watched her, seeing how tired she really was, how much she was carrying... 'I think, she'll be absolutely fine B, she's already seen she gets a brother, does she know who the kids dad would be?..'

'I don't know, and I don't want to know. From what we've gathered, this future she sees, we win, and are happy but at what cost? I'm constantly on edge, worrying about her, about someone coming for her. I don't want to cage Evie, and I've already started doing that, with the bracelets she wears to dampen her powers..'.. She nodded towards the table.

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