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This was it, this was how she would die, alone, and weak. She wanted to use her magic, but he wanted her to, and she wouldn't let that happen. Feeling her stomach sink, knowing she was about to hit the ground, she closed her eyes, bracing for it.

But she felt her body jolt, as though being caught, and her breath escaped her, as arms held her tight... 'I got you Charley..'.. Her eyes flew open, and she looked into his eyes, seeing him there.

'Peter?..'.. He was here, he had to be. He was holding her and she glanced up to where she was thrown off, seeing Tony fly above with Thor, and Vision. Her eyes came back to his... 'Wh-How? I-I..'

'Told you Charley, I've always got you. What's going on?..'.. He set her on her feet, holding onto her arms so she didn't fall.

Her brain was still trying to catch up and she shook her head taking a breath... 'That's a Strange from a different universe, dreamwalking into this one. We can't kill him, we need to push him back. He said he wants Evie..'.. She saw his eyes turn hard, and hus jaw tick... 'But I think he really wants me. He's pushing me, like he wants to use my magic, but I won't.. '

'You hear that?..'.. Peter touched his ear, and wrapped an arm around her waist, looking up. She couldn't hear the other end of the comm, but she saw Tony fire down up above... 'Hold on Charley, we'll get back up there..'.. He picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, and her arms went around his neck. He shot his webs, to get back up top with the others.

'Where's Evie?..'... She asked in his ear.

'Safe, I promise..'.. She believed him. There was absolutely nothing he wouldn't do to protect her little girl. He got them up there within seconds, and rolled to the side, just as Steve and Bucky held the sorcerer by his arms, power dampening cuffs around his wrists and throat.

'What do we need to do?..'.. Tony asked as his mask flipped down, watching the captured man.

'Can't kill him, but can push him back..'.. She moved to crouch down in front of Strange, trying to get a peek inside his mind... 'Resisting won't help Strange, let me in or you'll be a drooling mess on the floor, take your pick..'

He just chuckled, tilting her head to her... 'Why? Do you really want to see what a disappointment you were in my world? See the moment you let your son get taken? Watch your father and husband die?..'

'No..'... She shook her head, giving a sad smile... 'My husband didn't die, but a part of him did, and he blames me, right? You blame me, for your son being taken..'

She felt the others shift around her, but she kept her eyes on Strange... 'Taking my daughter won't replace what you lost Strange. I'm sorry you lost him, but you can't take her from me..'

'You let them take our son!...'... He raised his voice at her.

'I'm not her, I'm not that Charlotte. I literally sacrificed myself, and my own universe, to save my daughter. I don't know why your one did what she did, but you can't blame me, and you can't take what mine..'.. BB sighed, linking her fingers together, as she rested on one knee... 'If another you came to yours, and tried to take your child, what would you do?..'

She watched him, watched his eyes... 'I'd burn the multiverse down, so no one could take him from me..'

She gave a small smile and an understanding nod... 'Same here. But I'm not her, I don't know the choices that she made, I don't know why it all happened, but you can't blame me..'.. She tapped her chest... 'For someone else's mistakes..'

'I just want my family back..'... She saw the defeat in him, and shuffled to move forward, her eyes flicking to both soldiers and giving a nod to release him. She wrapped her arkms around Strange, hugging him tightly.

'I'm sorry Strange..'.. She felt him hold tight, his face buried into her neck. She could see the others around still standing ready, just in case... 'Don't take the dark path..'.. She pulled back, and held his face, giving him a small smile... 'Stephen Strange is one of the most kindest, compassionate men I've ever had the fortune of meeting. He is selfless, brave, loyal, and strong. Don't take the wrong path, don't give in to the darkness..'

He leaned his forehead against hers, sighing... 'I lost you both..'

'They're still out there, I believe it, you'll find them..'.. She gave a small smile, and wiped his tears with her thumbs... 'Starks are stubborn, remember? I'm sure your Charlotte is giving hell, to find your son. Find her, and make sure she doesn't follow the darkness either, you need her and she needs you..'

She watched his eyes, and saw the moment he pulled back, leaving this Strnage. As soon as she felt it, she spelled him to ensure he could never be take control of again through dreamwalking. His whole body hunched forward, and he sucked in a deep breath... 'I got you Strange, I got you..'.. She turned her head slightly, looking to Steve... Help me sit him back..'

Steve did as she asked, as did Bucky, both men still on edge, having no idea as to what the hell just happened... 'You want to catch us up with what we missed?..'.. Bucky gives her a look, and she chuckled, pushing to her feet, and brushing her hands off.

'My husband from another universe was angry and came for me. He's no longer able to take control of this one..'.. She gestured to Strange as he looked around, confused and clearly tired.

'I had the weirdest dream..'.. Strange ran a hand over his face, and then paused, realising he was wearing cuffs... 'Do I even want to know?..'... He held up his wrist and she smirked at him, as Tony came to her side.

'Tell you later. Anyway..'.. She turned to Tony... 'How did you find me, and get here so quickly?..'

'That one..'.. Tony pointed over to Loki, and she gave him a confused look.

Loki cleared his throat, glancing to Peter who shrugged... 'I used the bond to locate you, and I teleported us all here..'

'We're not married here Loki..'.. She folded her arms.

'It was never broken. Your Loki died, yes, but you never broke it. And for it to still be there, it would mean..-..'..

'Well, yeah. I do love you, but it's not the same Loki..'.. She sighed, not really wanting to have this conversation.

'I know darling..'.. His chuckled made her look up with a frown. He wasn't upset or angry... 'It is clear who you love..'

BB rolled her eyes, and waved her hand to Strange, removing the cuffs and collar... 'Let's head home, yeah? Don't know about you lot but I'm freezing my balls off out here..'.. She shivered slightly, and laughed at the expression on Steves face... 'Help Strange up please?..'.. She gestured to the man, and both soldiers hopped to it. She looked around at the family she had, and nodded to them... 'Let's get home..'.. She snapped her fingers, taking them all back to the compound.


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