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Later that evening, Peter headed to Lokis room to talk with him, about Charley. He wasn't jealous she wanted more, he never had been, he just loved her for who she was. Charley had so much love to give, he could never be selfish to keep it all to himself.

Seeing the difference between their reality and this one, some on this team, may have an issue about it, but as long as their opinions were never spoken aloud or shown in front of Evie, then he wouldn't have a problem. He had been there, helping to raise Evie with Charley, Grant and their Loki, even if it was in an 'uncle' capacity until now, but it never changed how much he loved and adored that little girl as though she was his own. In their reality, Evie grew up, seeing the best in people, seeing love between friends and family, and very rarely there was judgment from outsiders. This life though, he hated that she would grow up seeing the harsh side of it all.

Stopping outside if Lokis door, he rapped his knuckles against it, waiting. Hearing a call in the other side of the door, he opened it, stepping inside and shutting it behind him... 'Is everything alright?..'.. Loki asked setting his book down on his table, and sitting forward in his chair.

'Yes and no. Came to talk with you about something, but I think it's best if you read my thoughts, so you can see what was said..'.. Peter sat on the end of the bed close to Loki, tapping his temple.

Loki was a little confused, but reached out, touching Peters forehead, and seeing his memories of that morning. He snatched his hand back, clearing his throat... 'I don't quite understand..'

Peter took a breath, and rested his arms on his legs... 'Charley has always had a insatiable appetite, which having us five with her, helped to tame it. When she married, it was even stronger, the rest of us did step back when they married, but she never told us it was strong. Her two, they didn't say anything either but they did seem tired often..'.. He chuckled... 'Being pregnant again, its a lot for her, and I can barely keep up with her. Look..'.. Peter sat up... 'You can ask her, and she'll be straight with you about this, but she does love you, in love with you. When you returned here, she denied it, putting it down to you being-..'

'A duplicate of her husband..'.. Loki nodded.

'Yeah. And she never really said anything, because she didn't want to put that on you. She wanted you to be happy, and free to be with whoever you wanted. After the whole Strange incident..'.. Peter waved his hand... 'And you felt the bond was still there, she dismissed it with you, so you didn't feel obligated or pulled in by the link you have. All Charley ever wants, is for people to be happy, loved and safe. Tap into it, and really look..'.. Peter nodded to him.

Loki took a deep breath, shaking his head slightly, but he relaxed his body, closing his eyes and let go. He always felt a pull with her, and he did love her. Touching that spark within, it exploded. He felt it all, her worries, fears, happiness, love, and there woven in, was her love for him. He felt the ache and sadness, her longing for him, that it made his heart hurt. His eyes flew open, blinking at Peter as he nodded again... 'You feel it?..'

'Yes..'.. Was all Loki could say at the moment.

'I know she's worried, about how you feel of this. She doesn't know what you want, if you would even want to be a part of this. Whatever you want Loki, is all she's concerned about right now..'.. Peter gestures to him.

'I have wondered, of how my other life had been..'.. Loki waved his hand to his desk, conjuring drinks and passing one to Peter... 'To have a family, love, friendship. It was something I never thought I would have..'.. He sipped his drink... 'I see that life, blossom here, and I would never want to part with it. She knows I love her, I resigned it to be nothing more than familiar love, as I thought that was all it could ever be..'

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