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BB was not kind to those who were Hydra, as she marched through the building, killing everyone in sight. Her Echo suit felt as black as her soul, when she was in her zone. She hated that Hydra exist, hated what they stood for, and what they had done to innocents in this world. She had no mercy, making sure not to kill too quickly, but slow enough they suffered for a few minutes, before taking their last breaths.

Strange was above the building as their eyes in the sky and Murdock taking the perimeter. She had P in the control room, with the drive, downloading everything, while her and Laufeyson, killed everyone else. She knew he wouldn't feel remorseful either, in fact he looked like he was enjoying himself.

Hill was keeping them informed of any updates, and about the other teams. So far, everyone was working perfectly. Team one had finished with their base, and were heading back to the jet.

'I am impressed..'.. Loki fell into step with her, as they headed to the last room, where the three men who were to be the new heads of Hydra of the States, were hiding... 'You do not flinch when you kill..'

'Why would I? That would mean I feel guilty for it, and I don't..'.. She held up a blade, watching the blood drip from it... 'What I do, saves more lives that what I take. Ridding the world of evil like this lot, someone has to do it..'.. She shrugged, and they stopped outside the double doors... 'They have guns, aimed at the doors ready for us..'.. She smirked across to him... 'Should we knock?..'

Loki chuckled... 'And ruin the surprise?..'.. They each kicked a door open, and she threw up an ice shield in front of them, before rolling to the left, throwing her blades at two of the men firing at them. She got to her feet, and ran for one of the heads of Hydra, jumping as she did and wrapping her legs around his neck, throwing her weight down to the floor. Feeling him hit the ground, she twisted, and snapped his neck.

She paid no attention to what Laufeyson was doing, but disappeared and reappeared behind another, gripping his head, and snapping his neck too. His body hit the floor, just as she threw a hand out, setting another man with a gun on fire. His screams bounced around the room as she laughed.

For a moment, Loki felt a little thread of fear over this woman. She was ruthless, deadly and definitely crazy. She was laughing at the man she just set alight, as though it was the funniest thing she had ever seen. Loki knew he had killed many times, but he never took this much pleasure from it, not like her.

He knew now, that she could and would definitely kill him if she wanted to. She was a lot more powerful that he first thought, and he would have to remain on her good side, if he valued his life.

'Team one, mission completed. Jet enroute to team two, mission completed. Team three, check in...'...

BB rolled her eyes, and then froze the man on fire, if only to stop the racket he was making. She tapped her comm... 'Base clear, data retrieved, no casualties. Mission completed. Back to compound in 10..'.. She smiled across to Laufeyson with a nod... 'Lets go..'.. She tapped her comm... 'P, meet up with Murdock and Strange, we'll be there in a minute..'

'You got it B..'.. He called back.

'Come on, lets head back. This calls for a celebration in getting completely wasted..'.. She clapped her hands excitedly, and Loki was sure, he was more afraid of her, than anyone else he had met, especially the ones who tortured him, years ago. She took hold of his arm, and they appeared outside, face to face with the other three... 'Take hold gentlemen..'.. She held a hand out, and Pietro quickly took her hand.

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