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The party was in full swing, and everyone was enjoying themselves. BB had danced with almost all of the guys on the team, and Stark was currently spining her out, and back in. She laughed, as she stepped back in. This reminded her, of when her and her dad would dance at parties, and she felt her eyes prickle, as he swayed her around the room.

'You ok?..'.. He asked her and she nodded.

'My dad used to dance with me too, Christmas was his favourite time of year, and he would always have this routine, starting the 1st of December. It was our thing, and when it came to the Christmas party, he would always dance with me to 'have yourself a merry little christmas'..'.. She smiled at her memories.

'Well, I'm glad to be able to step in for him. He really would be proud of you B..'.. He kissed the side of her head.

'I hope so..'.. She blew out a breath, changing the subject... 'Are you ever going to tell Parker? I'm sure he'd want to know..'

'I will, but I want him to have this holiay first. Just a little worried he'll be angry or upset..'.. He tells her and she nods.

'Perhaps speak with his aunt first. You've got all the proof now, and maybe she can help you to talk with him. I'll be there too, if you need me..'.. She smiled up at him.

'I know you will. I have got something for you, its i-..'.. She had pulled from him, and her face was just shock, her eyes wide and unfocused as she clutched her chest. Tony went to grab her as she swayed on her feet, and then dropped. He caught her, lowering to the floor as she burst out crying. He had no idea as to what just happened.

'B? B talk to me, what's wrong?..'.. He shuffled better, holding her to him as she cried, her knuckles going white as she gripped her dress at her chest, and he realised she was holding her necklace.

'I can feel him..'.. Her voice wavered as she spoke... 'I can feel him, he's here..'... Tony still didn't know, and he shooed everyone back, to give her some space.

'Whos here?..'.. He asked, rubbing her arm.

'My husband..'.. He quickly looked around the room... 'I can feel him, I-I dont know how its possible, but here's here, hes in this world..'.. She wiped her face with her free hand.

'Come on, lets get you up, and somewhere quiet..'... He moved to stand, keeping his arm around her. He gestured to Pepper, beckoning her over... 'Take B to my lab, and stay with her. If she needs anyone else, call them down. I'm going to see everyone out..'

Pepper had no idea what was going in, but she did as he said, putting an arm around BB and leading her away. Tony announced that the party was over, and thanked everyone. As the other guests left, he quickly filled the team in on what had happened.

'I'm sure I have a spell that can help to locate him..'.. Strange said... 'I'll head back to the sanctum, if I find anything, I'll let you know..'.. He created a portal and guided Murdock through, and it closed behind them.

'You got any tricks that can help?..'.. Tony turned to Loki who was surprised to be asked.

'Unless I have something that belonged to her husband, I cannot track him..'.. Loki folded his arms... 'Does she have anything?..'

'Her rings..'.. Wanda spoke up... 'Her wedding ring, would that work?..'

'It is possible, will she allow me to use it?..'... He looked around at them.

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