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Peter stepped back into the bedroom, seeing her laid out on the bed, stating up at the ceiling. He knew she was worried about this pregnancy, especially after the last one. And even though Evie says they're all safe, he knew Charley well enough, she was still worrying.

Since the party cannons incident a week ago, he noticed her more on edge, and had a feeling as to what it was. Her sexual appetite was starting to tire him out. It wasn't even 8am, and they had gone at it most of the night with about three hours sleep. He needed to get some real rest, or he'd be useless in every way.

He loved her, more than anyone or anything, aside from Evie, and he knew they'd have to talk. Sighing, he pulled his jeans on, and moved to sit on the bed next to her... 'I mean this in the nicest way possible, don't touch me..'.. She said, rolling her head to look at him and he chuckled.

'You're wound up again?..'.. He asked, keeping a little distance between them.

'What do you mean again? I haven't stopped being wound up..'.. She covered her face with the quilt and whined... 'I'm sorry!..'

'Its ok Charley..'.. He pulled it off her face... 'I mean, you did have a big appetite before you even had Evie, then you had Loki and Grant to help..'

'That's the thing..'.. She shuffled, sitting up... 'Even they got worn out. Why do you think I was so irritable all the time?..'.. Peter thought back, her pregnancy with Evie and chuckled.

'That actually explains why they were always tired..'.. Peter smirked at her... 'Look, if you need more, I'm ok with that..'

Charley narrowed her eyes at him and scoffed... 'God! Do you have to be so damn nice?!..'.. She threw her hands up.

'I'm not nice, not all the time..'.. He leaned closer and gave her a quick kiss... 'You've always enjoyed me being anything but nice..'.. He titled her chin up, his thumb brushing her lips... 'If you need more, then have more. I've shared you before, I got no issues with it..'.. He kissed her again.

'But I want you..'.. She tells him... 'I don't want you to think tha-..'

'Charley, look at me..'.. He waited until she did... 'I love you, for who you are. I had no problem with what we had before, and if we have that again, that's up to you. I'm happy with whatever you want, because I still have you, whether it's just us, or as a group again. Regardless of what happens, you'll still be my wife. We came from a world where the rules were different, but that doesn't mean that I've changed too. I want you to be happy Charley, with whoever makes you happy..'.. He cupped her face and kissed her head... 'Is there anyone you want?..'

Charely sighed... 'The dreams I've been having, I blame the hormones. Its us, and others watch or join in..'

'Who do you need Charely?..'.. He kept her face to him, so she had to look at him.

'Loki. Steve and Bucky. I can't help it..'.. She dropped back onto the bed... 'Not to mention throwing Nat and Maria in the mix and now I'm on edge again..'.. She huffed throwing her hands up. She shuffled to lay on her side, watching him... 'I don't break up couples, you know that..'

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