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BB stirred and stretched out, blinking away the sleepy fog, and frowned, realising she wasn't in her own room. Sitting up, she was alone in bed, and by the looks of it, it was Lokis room. Heaving a deep sigh, she teleported to the main room, finding Evie curled up on Peters lap, as he read her passages from a book on nuclear physics.

She chuckled, amd moved to sit with them, resting her head on Peters shoulder as he put the book down... Don't stop on my account..'.. He shifted to put his arm around her, and she smiled across to Evie... 'You having fun?..'

'Yes. Mama, do we have to go? I want to stay here..'.. Trust Evie to always say whats on her mind.

BB took a moment, scanning her daughters face. She would never read Evies mind, she didn't want to break that trust... 'You're happy here. Baby, I know I've been selfish..'.. She took her daughters hand... 'And I'm really sorry. I just want to keep you safe..'

'I am safe, I seen it. The bad man doesn't come yet, only when Theo is five..'.. Evie tells her, matter of factly, causing BB to frown.

'Who is Theo?..'.. She looked up at Peter, seeing him confused too.

'My brother..'.. Evie had a huge smile... 'I can't wait to meet him, I'm gonna be the best big sister ever..'.. Evie wriggled happily.

BB sat up, shaking her head... 'Evie, I don't have a baby in my belly..'

'Not yet silly..'.. She giggled at her mother and Peter... 'Its ok mama, we safe here, I know it..'

BB didn't know what to say, but hearing her daughter reassure her, she felt some weight off her shoulders... 'Ok, then I guess we're staying..'.. She didn't get to say much else as Evie jumped at her, knocking her backwards on the couch.

'We gonna have so much fun! I want to tell everyone!..'... Evie bounded off her mother, falling to the floor and got up, dancing around in circles... 'Friday, I want everyone to come to me, now. It's a surprise..'

'I'll let them know, little boss..'..

'Little boss? Really? Why not call her little Stark?..'.. BB rolled her eyes, and sat back up, leaning into Peter again, as they watched Evie spin around the room... 'She looks like she's on a sugar high, was that you?..'.. She poked Peter in the side, and he chuckled.

'No...'.. He moved, and pulled her onto his lap, cuddling her close... 'So, you're staying then?..'

'She knew before I did, apparently. Fuck, not to mention, I'm going to have another kid, a son. Thankfully it's not any time soon..'... BB sighed, as a few others entered the room.

'You two look cozy..'.. Nat dropped on the couch opposite, smirking.

'Hes had his dick in me, so I think we're past that stage of insinuating shit..'.. BB shrugged, making Peter laugh.

'Still a little weird, considering what we know now..'.. Bucky sat next to Nat, putting his arm in the back of the couch.

'Oh, it can get weirder..'.. BB muttered, as Wanda walked in with her brother and Vision, Steve behind them with Maria. Tony, Pepper and Bruce came in from another direction.

'So, we've been summoned by little boss..'... Tony grinned, as Thor, Loki and Val came in to join them all.

'We staying here..'... Evie bolted to Tony, and he caught her, swinging her up into his arms... 'We staying grampa, we can be a family forever..'

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