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BB stayed where she was, not caring about anyone else around her. She was holding her daughter in her arms, her husband in front of her, and her Peter to her side. She didn't want to move, afraid that if she did, it was all a dream... 'Its been almost three years..'.. Her voice wavered rough as she spoke, fighting back another round of tears, as she used magic to help Evie sleep. If her daughter saw who else was here, she would give it away.

'For us, I has been a few months..'.. He held her hand tight... 'Evie jumped after you when I pulled her back. Peter and I went straight after her..'.. He sighed... 'Everyone else, they're gone, our world its all gone..'

She felt her tears burst from her, her heart breaking for everyone they lost... 'We landed in another reality, and some old friends helped us to cross over to you. We are stuck here. If we try to cross to another one, we will cause a time fluctuation, and break the timelines..'.. His thumb stoked her hand.

'So, we have to stay here?..'.. She sniffled and he nodded... 'How will that work? There's two of you..'

'And two of me..'.. Peter said, rubbing her back.

'Uh, well, you um..'.. She glanced up at Stark... 'You share the same name, and familiar lives but your DNA is different. So, having the two of you, won't cause an incursion..'

'I'm guessing this is something we need to talk about privately..'... Her Peter said, and she nodded.

'There are also two of me..'.. Her husband sighed and she shook her head.

'No. You're two completely different people, believe me. There is no one like you..'.. She gave his hand a squeeze.

'Yeah, I'm still trying to work out how I missed the part where you're Mrs Rogers..'.. Tony shook his head, looking between the two Steves.

BB scowled at Stark, and handed Evie to her father, standing up, and in front of her family to protect them... 'They are NOT the same. I told you that SHIELD killed the winter soldier, thats what they told the world. But they kept him in cryo for years, trying to find a way to break Hydras hold on him. I found him, in 2010, and spent the next two years trying to find ways to free him. I went down that dark path for two reasons, for my dad, and for him..'

'Lottie..'.. He sighed, standing up with Evie in his arms... 'Its ok..'.. He reached out, taking her hand in his right, his metal hand... 'Look, I get that it's a lot a for everyone to take in, but can we all sit down and talk about it? And is there somewhere I can put Evie down to sleep?..'... He glanced down at his daughter, seeing her out and snuggled into him.

'Yeah, let me take her..'.. BB took hold of her daughter, and disappeared.

'I'm still trying to process..'.. Bucky rubbed his forehead, looking between the two. The other version of Steve, had a metal right arm, like his left arm was metal. The other Steve had darker hair, slightly longer and facial hair too. Bucky noticed a tattoo on the man's left forearm... 'Whats that?..'.. Bucky asked, pointing to it.

Alternate Steve chuckled, and pulled his sleeve up further, showing the tattoo, of a baby footprint, with Evies name and date of birth under it... 'Not the only one I got..'.. He smiled at Bucky... 'Its good to see you Buck..'

BB reappeared and sighed, waving her hand and changing everyone's clothes to casual... 'Not waiting around for you lot to get changed..'.. She took her husbands hand and her Peters, draging then to sit on a couch with her... 'I swear if this is all a dream, I'm going to be really pissed off..'

'We're really here, I promise..'.. Her husband kissed the side of her head, and pulled her onto his lap.

'Its so weird..'.. Rogers was still staring at his other self... 'How is this going to work? I mean-..'

'Grant..'.. The other version said... 'In our world, I went by Grant, to stop people working out who I really was. It'll be easier here too..'

'Ok, so Grant..'.. Steve sat down opposite... 'I'm just shocked really, we all are..'

'I get it, really. When we ended up in another reality, it was different, I'll say that. Some people we had fought in ours, were good in this other one. Some we knew, didnt exist or died..'.. Grant shook his head... 'We sought out an old friend to try and help us, took a while but we're here now..'

'I cant believe you found me..'.. BB looked between Grant and Peter.

'You're family Charley..'.. Peter smiled at her, and she held her hand out to hold his.

'I'd cross every reality to find you Trouble..'.. Grant tucked her hair behind her ear.

Steve felt weird watching watching exchange, and Maria's hand tightened in his. He turned to her, seeing her look a little uncomfortable.

'Ok, so..'.. Tony shook his head trying to get through everything... 'I've never seen you be anything more than friendly with Cap. You're the one who nudged him and Hill together..'

'No offence Rogers..'.. She smiled over to him... 'But I have never been attracted to this version of you. You and Grant are two different people to me, even if you are the same person. You and Hill are perfect for each other..'

Steve could see she meant it, her smile was genuine as she looked between him and Maria... 'I guess its going to take some time to get used to all this..'.. He chuckled.

'For us too..'.. Grant chuckled, and turned to his wife... 'How much do they know?..'

'That I'm a Stark, about most of my powers, Peter..'.. She nodded to him... 'That I have a daughter and a husband..'

'A husband? I'm guessing there's a reason they dont know everything..'.. Grant sighed.

'It was hard enough to explain what they already know..'.. She got off his lap and began to pace... 'This hasn't been easy for me, at all. I've had to live three years without you, all of you. We saw him die, and then I did what I did. I thought at least you and Evie had each other..'

Grant stood up, and took hold of her arms, so she face him... 'I lost you both too..'.. He sighed... 'Do you feel anything, for this one?..'

BB hesitated... 'I know hes not the same as ours, but yeah..'.. She looked down... 'I do. I'm not replacing him Grant..'.. She took a deep breath and looked back up at him... 'I would never replace him, or you..'

'I know..'.. He kissed her lightly, and wrapped an arm around her, as she tucked into his side... 'You should tell them everything Lottie, they deserve to know. This is their home, their world, we're guests here..'

'Hes right Charley..'.. She looked over to her Peter as he sat forward... 'They need to know. We're stuck here, and Evie is eventually going to find out, shes already a ball of attitude, so if she sees him, you know she's not going to let him go..'

Tony had no idea what the three were talking about... 'I need a drink, and pizza for this..'.. He ran a hand over his face, and BB waved her hand resetting the main room back tot her way it was, and made another couch appear so there was room. The coffee table was bigger and held a few different pizzas and drinks.

'I guess I better start from the beginning..'.. She sighed.


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