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It had been almost a year since she had met the team, and six months since her and Evie had been reunited. Things between her and Grant had calmed, in fact he had began to work in garage, settling in to work on the vehicles and the bikes. They were more civil now, even without Evie as a buffer between them.

Her Peter had taken to being Bruce's assistant, the two constantly talking about some thing or other, but she never fully understood them, it was just good the see that Peter was happy.

Evie on the other hand, she was showing more of her powers, but Tony had created pretty little power dampening bracelets that blended well. BB wanted to wait until Evie was older, so she could have a better understanding of her powers.

BB, well... Things were ok, she still had her bad days, but Loki would always drag her to the training room, and push her buttons. She didn't know how he did it, but he could make her really mad at times. Since their first session, she hadn't once picked up a knife, this was a better way of dealing with it. No one else would fight that hard with her.

The team ran smoothly now, especially on missions. Between Hill, Banner and Parker, the three would alternate as to who would run the team, or smaller teams for the missions. BB was proud of Parker, he was picking it up really well, not to mention it boosted his confidence, even more so now that he wasnt being bullied anymore. In fact, him and Leeds got a lot more attention, because of the car, her and his job. The kid was now dating a girl called MJ, which BB had already checked into her before Tony did.

'Are you ever going to tell us?..'.. BB rolled her eyes, as she moved to grab her water bottle. Her and Valkyrie were training in combat. Many of the others were away on a mission, which Banner was leading, while Parker was at school. Her, Valkyrie and Loki were still at the compound, with Banner, Grant and her Peter.

'You ask everyday, at least once a day. What makes you think today is going to be different?..'.. BB swigged from the bottle, and then tossed it back to her bag.

'I will stop asking, if you tell me..'.. Valkyrie grinned at her, and BB shook her head.

'I swear you live to annoy me, no matter what universe..'.. She knew they were close to figuring it out, well Dr Pym and his two were close. They were testing out a theory, and if it worked, Grant was going back.

'I am your favourite, even I know that..'.. Valkyrie chuckled at her.

'If it helps you to feel better, then you keep thinking that. Come on, I'm starving, plus I'm missing my girl..'.. BB jerked her head to the door, the two grabbing their things and heading out.


BB couldn't find Evie in her room, but Friday had told her, that Evie was in Lokis room. Clearing her throat, she knocked lightly, and then opened the door. She had never been in his room before, and she was shocked at what she saw.

Right in front of her, two easels were set up next to each other, the paintings still sitting there, drying. One was extremely detailed, which she assumed as Lokis, and the other, which had a little stool in front of it, was that of a childs, very well done for a five year old.

BB couldn't help but move closer, seeing that they were paintings of her smiling. She felt her throat get thick, and tore her eyes away from the paintings, looking around the plush earthy colours of the room. Seeing two forms on the bed, she noticed that both Loki and Evie were both asleep, and a book lay open on the bed.

This was too much, this is what she was afraid of, that Evie would become too attached to everyone here, she wouldn't leave. Moving to Lokis side of the bed, she would wake him gently, needing his opinion on a matter.

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