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The party was in full swing, and everyone was enjoying themselves. BB stayed on the edge of it all, dressed in her vampire costume. She hadn't been to a party in a very long time, and she wouldn't admit it, but she was feeling a little anxious. Though spotting Laufeyson in the corner, a scowl on his face she couldnt help but chuckle. He had put up a fight, but she had him pinned and put the cuffs on him.

She wasn't going to let him have his magic, not after the last time he was on earth. She didn't trust him, not even to hold a paper straw. Her eyes strayed around the room, stopping on each of the team, making sure they were all ok.

Her heart warmed, seeing Romanoff slow dancing with Barnes, both dressed in 40s style clothing, smiles on their faces. In this world, the two were suited for each other.

Rogers and Hill were dressed similar, he had his arm around her waist, as they spoke with Rhodes off to the side. Stark and Potts were sleeping beauty and prince Phillip, dancing too.

Maximoff and Vision were dancing on the edge of everyone, dressed as Samantha and Darrin from Bwitched. Her brother was flirting shamelessly with Belova, who refused to dress up, but BB could see the faint smile on the womans face. She may try to hide it, but she was enjoying the attention.

'So, you know me then?..'.. She turned her head, seeing Valkyrie close by, a bottle of Jack Daniels in her hand.

'In a way. I know your true name too, Brunnhilde..'.. She chuckled as the woman rolled her eyes.

'Valkyries exist where you're from?..'.. Val drank from the bottle.

'They do, there are many of you. Fierce warriors, hand picked by Odin himself..'.. BB nodded.

'So, how does a mortal know that?..'.. Val walked over, leaning against the wall next to her.

'I know many things, I am quite smart..'.. BB chuckled.

'Did you kill Hela?..'..

'The goddess of death? Now how would a mere mortal do that?.'.. BB smiled at her.

'You're evading the question..'.. Val took another deep drink of the bottle.

'Much like you, evading sobriety..'.. BB gestured, and Val laughed, loudly.

'I like you..'..

'I'm flattered, but you are not my type..'.. BB moved to the kitchen area, and asked for a gin, knowing Val was behind her.

'We were told you were married, with a child. Sorry to hear that you lost them..'.. Val nods at her.

She thanked the bartender on duty, and turned to the woman next to her... 'Thank you. Though I'm sure if he was here, he would give me a little lecture about interfering with this world, before whisking me away to punish me for it..'.. BB smirked at her, sipping her drink.

'Is he here? This worlds one?..'.. Val gestured to the people around with the bottle.

'He is here on earth, but I do not see my husband here..'.. She sipped again as Val drank the last of the bottle.

'Its not bad, not asgardian ale though..'.. She place the empty bottle on the counter, and BB flicked her wrist, making a decanter appear... 'What magic do you have?..'.. Val was surprised by it.

'There are many. Cosmic, Chaos, Eldritch, Celestial, Asgardian, Johtunn, Dark..'.. BB kept the straight face, not giving anything away.

'How do you know them?..'.. She turned, seeing Thor give her a questioning look.

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