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Every single one of them was sat around the conference table, as the president gave a rundown of what he expected from them. That 'BB' was now in charge of the team. If they wanted to continue to operate freely, they had to follow her rules, if they wanted to leave, they would have to be tagged, and sign the register of enhanced individuals, where they will be watched for the rest of their lives.

The team were all on extremely thin ice, and the only one holding back the rest of the world governments from ripping them apart with the accords, was the woman stood at the end of the table.

They had one hundred days, as of forty eight hours ago, to work as a unit, or the whole team would be disbanded and it would be upto the UN, to decide what to do either each one of them. They could lose everything, their friends, family, money. They could be locked away for the rest of their lives. Many of them felt the weight now on their shoulders of what they were told.

'Ok, so basically you're the drill sergeant here to knock us into shape..'.. Tony turned his seat to look at her.

'Yes, and I'll keep reiterating it, I'm here to make sure you work, together..'.. She looked around at them... 'Aside from his majesty..'.. She nodded to T'Challa at the back of the room... 'You're all to be here. As of this moment, you are all equal, you can help each other to reach full potential..'

'What do you get out of this?..'.. Rhodey asked, glancing to Tony.

'A second chance..'.. She sighed. Tony had no idea what that meant, but he already had Friday searching about this woman. He had very little information the begin with.

'Fine..'.. Barton pipped up and shrugged... 'I'll do this, if it means my family is kept out of it. For those that do work together, what happens?..'

'Then you stay together as a team, with the freedoms you have. But you'll still be scrutinised. Those that don't work, will be made to sign the accords as a second team. Those that don't work for either, will be made to sign a register, and you will be watched for the rest of your life, or locked up on the raft, depending on what they think of you..'... She moved to stand at the end of the table, leaning on it.

'Doesn't seem like we have much of a choice..'... Steve shook his head.

'Those are the only choices you have been given, and believe me, they weren't the original choices Ross had for you..'.. She looked around at them all.

'Still don't know who you are though..'.. Stark gave her a pissed look... 'Or how the hell you got into my suit..'

'First, there's nothing you need to know about me Stark..'.. She knew he'd be the most cautious of them all. His need to always know, is what would get this team killed... 'Second of all, it was easy to take control of it, because all this tech..'.. She gestured around..  'Is pretty much outdated where I'm from..'

Which was true. She grew up around tech like this and built her own AI by the time she was 6. This world was a little delayed, by about five years she calculated.

Tony was getting a little tired of her evasiveness, how could they trust someone they didn't know? There was something about her, that was niggling at him.

'So, the plan is as follows..'.. She stood up straight, clasping her hands behind her back... 'Every one of you stays here, the exception being Parker, you have school and still quite young. Training will be at 7am weekdays, 9am weekends. You will be paired up in the sessions, to work on your weaknesses..'

Sam raised his hand and she nodded at him... 'You training with us too? I mean, you have powers but you fighting with us?..'

'Yes. I have trained with some of the best..'.. She smiled as memories crossed he mind... 'As for my powers, I obtained them, shall we say. I knew how to fight before I got them..'

'What are your powers, exactly?..'... Wanda asked, sitting up in her seat... 'I can't read you..'

'Something else that I can't tell you. Look, I get that it's hard to trust a complete stranger who won't share personal shit, but I need you to trust me, making you guys work, is my priority..'.. She tapped her fingers to the table.

'Stark, I have sent all files and information I have regarding Barnes to you, as well as to you your majesty..'.. She nodded to T'Challa... 'Forgive me, but I'm sure there is something you could do to assist in helping remove the soldier from him..'

She saw him give a small nod back... 'Zemo is yours to do with as you will. I'd rather torture him to the brink of death, but that just me..'.. She shrugged... 'Ok, we will also have team building exercises. You need to know each others strengths and weaknesses, and learn to follow instructions, without hesitation..'

'Thank you..'.. She frowned at Rogers... 'I don't know who you are, and not knowing is annoying but it's clear you really care..'.. He gestured to her... 'I'll do what it takes, but I really don't want to sign the accords..'

'I don't want to sound harsh here, to any of you, but it's not you lot I'm concerned about, it's everyone. You all know that you are not alone in this universe, clearly. This world is vulnerable already, and should an entire army want to come and conquer, wipe out half the population maybe, who's to stop them? Who's going to protect this world, if its not you?..'.. She gestured at them.

'You think that's possible?..'.. Romanoff asked.

'Yes, I really do. This team is needed, I cannot stress that enough..'.. She sighed... 'In time there may be more that join you, but for now, it's all on you. The fate of the future, rests with you. I'm sorry to put it so bluntly, but you need to know..'

'You know something..'.. She looked up at Stark as he sat forward in his seat, resting his arms on the table... 'You know something, that's why you're here..'

'What I know Stark, is that without you, all of you, its the end of the world..'... She stared off for a moment, feeling her emotions well up, remembering the last time she saw them.


She didn't sleep that night, she could barely get any sleep without the nightmares. So instead, she was outside the compound, laying on the grass, staring up at the night sky, as the stars winked at her. She had one arm behind her head, and the other fiddling with the chain beneath her tshirt.

'I miss you, both of you..'.. She have a sad smile... 'All of you. I hope I'm doing the right thing, I couldn't protect our world, but I can protect this one..'.. She sniffled, wanting nothing more than to be with them.

For the rest of the day, she had the team sit and talk, to really get to know one another. She really owed Fury, for fighting for her on this with the president. He wasn't all that different from the man she knew.

Sighing up at the sky, knowing that one of them was watching her, she made a blanket appear, and wrapped herself up. Being away from her family for the last two years, she knew this was as close as she was going to get, to be with them. This team wouldn't believe her if she spoke the truth, and there were a few missing, she knew that. But if they ever showed up, it would be a completely different ballgame then.


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