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Peter was nervous to begin with, watching BB and his aunt talk on the couch. She wanted to talk with May about Peters scholarship, informing his aunt that he was now an engineer for the team, and he was being paid for his work. On Fridays he would go straight to the compound after school and stay the weekends, assisting.

He was sure his aunt would say no, but BB had somehow managed to get May on board with it all.

'Wow, I don't know what to say, it all sounds great..'.. May smiled at him... 'I am proud of you, and I know your parents would be too..'

'I promise, he will be well looked after there. He reminds me of an old friend of mine, both so similar and very smart..'.. BB grinned.

'And you're sure it won't interfere with his education?..'.. May looked across to the woman.

'It won't. Parkers education is important, to everyone. When he goes to college, the fees will be taken care of too. If he decides to take time off from working, that's no issue, I'm sure that any college will be more than happy to have Starks protégé..'.. BB chuckled.

'I do worry but I am glad to see that Peter has a good balance between work and school..'.. May nodded.

'Of course. I know Parker cannot talk about it due to the NDAs he's signed, but I can tell you whatever you need to know. He will be training, as it is required so he knows how to protect himself, all staff must know the basics at least..'.. BB reassures her.

'I'm just amazed. First Mr Stark comes here to talk about it, and now you. Are you sure the car is ok for him? It is an expensive one..'.. May asked.

'Its perfectly fine, all taken care of. I have also ensured that any outstanding debts that you or Parker have, have been cleared, as well as your bills for the next two years. You are also under the medical insurance of Stark industries too, so you won't have to worry about anything..'.. BB picks up her coffee and finishes it.

'Uh, wow. Thank you, I don't know what to say..'.. May blinked a few times.

'You don't have to say anything Ms Parker. You are family now, and we take care of our own. If there is anything you need, please let me know..'.. BB looked at her watch... 'We must be getting back, thank you for the coffee..'

'Oh, yes of course..'.. Both women stood and Peter still hadn't said anything.

'Parker, go pack what you need for the weekend..'.. BB nods to him and he headed to his room. He couldn't believe what just happened. Him and May were now financially set for life. Hearing that everything was taken care of for them, they would no longer struggle. Peter smiled, he felt thankful for BB, he didn't want to think about what the outcome would've been if she hadn't been at the airport that day.


Steve frowned, seeing a sleek black car pull up and then Parker got out with BB. He jogged over to them, looking between the two... 'Did he drive? He's not even 16 yet..'

'Rogers, I've told you before, do I need to say it again?..'.. BB sighed at him, putting her glasses on her head.

'Sorry Parker..'.. He said quickly, and the kid smiled at him, grabbing his bag from the back seat.

'Its ok captain Rogers. BB spoke with my aunt May, covering for me to be here. Thanks BB..'.. Peter grinned at her and she smiled back.

'Any time Parker. Go and get your homework done, and then come find me later. I've got some upgrades for your suits, and you're having more than one by the way..'.. She tells him and he heads off inside.

'You really care about him..'.. Steve watched her and she nodded.

'He reminds me of someone I used to know..'.. He saw the sad look in her eyes... 'Anyway, have I missed anything?..'

'Not really. Stark thinks you're in his system..'.. He said as she walked past him, and he followed at her side.

'I am. There's others that are trying to gain access, and I've ensured that all systems, connected to Stark industries are locked down, while also erasing any government files that have on the team..'.. She glanced at him, seeing the surprise... 'This team is important Captain, and I intend to make sure that you all continue. Just think, if the team didn't exist, the battle of New York would have been worse. Or Hydra would've taken over by now. You're heroes for a reason..'

I guess I never thought about that..'.. Steve shrugged.

'I know there will be many out there with a divided opinion of you all, but that's something you're going to have to learn to deal with. Whether people want you to do what you do or not, fighting for the world, to keep everyone safe is a job you won't be rewarded for. It's a heavy responsibility, I know that, believe me..'.. She sighed, and Steve watched her, thinking there was more about that statement than what he knew.

'I'm glad you helped Parker..'.. He changed the subject and saw her smile. She really did care about the kid.

'He needs to be able to come and go from here without having to make excuses. As far as his aunt and the school will be concerned, he's an assistant engineer for the team, and he can't talk about it due to NDAs. Plus his school life hasn't been easy, he won't admit it but he's been bullied..'.. Steve felt that, he knew what it was like, back before he had the serum. He smiled and nodded, feeling more respect for the woman next to him.

The two enter the main room, and she heads straight to the kitchen... 'I'll take care of dinner, and I'll have Friday call you all when it's ready. No training this evening, tonight we'll relax..'.. She smiled across at him, and he noticed she touched her chest. He saw the shimmer of a chain around her neck, peeking out of her shirt.

'Thanks BB..'.. He nodded to her, and headed to find Tony. Maybe there was something on her chain, that gave away who she was. He had noticed it before, but couldn't see what was on it, as she always hid it in her shirts.


Tony huffed an annoyed breath, watching her and Rogers talk as they walked through to compound. Now knowing that she definitely was in his system, passed him off, but thankful thst she had locked them down. He didn't think that anyone else was trying to get access, and he shook his head.

It had been clear she cared about the team and wanted them to work together properly. Maybe he should just go along with it. If Rogers was right, being her friend might get her to open up about who she is.


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