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A few more days pass, and Tony had created new bracelets for Evie, these ones now with her own suit to protect her, not that the little girl couldn't defend herself, she was a straight shot with an bow, and a gun, something he silently disproved off, but for a six year old, Evie was clearly more advance and mature for her age.

Heading to the main room, he stepped in, seeing Charley glaring at Strange and Tony couldn't help but wonder what he had missed... 'Everything ok?..'.. He walked over, stopping at her side. The others were out on missions, with only him and Bruce still at the compound with Charley.

'Yeah, sure, why wouldn't everything be ok..'.. He could hear the sarcasm in her as she spoke, and he shifted his gaze to Strange.

'Someone want to fill me in here?..'... He gestured between thw two with the box he held.

'I looked into it, about Charely..'.. Strange nodded his head to her and she scoffed, walking to drop on a couch with a huff... 'She did exist in this reality..'

Tony swallowed the dryness, seeing the look on the man's face... 'Get to the point doc..'

'She was yours here too, but she died. I used the time stone, and with a spell I looked into the past. She-..'.. Strange cleared his throat, quickly glancing to her.

'Dead, on a mission. Seems she was at the battle in the city, years ago..'.. She said, still glaring at Strange... 'But that's not the best part, is it? Who was she, here? And who was she supposed to be with? ..'

'Uh, yes. I also peeked into what would've been her future..'.. Strange rocked on his feet... 'This universes Charley, her mother didn't want her, so she abandoned her as a child..'.. Tony felt anger and hate to whoever it was that would do such a thing, and then it crossed his mind.

'Mission? What mission?..'... Tony looked between the two.

'To kill you, for Hydra..'.. Charleys voice was filled with venom... 'Yeah, exactly. Apparently she was picked up as a kid on the streets, and taken as an experiment for them. Not sure if they knew she was yours or not, but they wanted her to kill you. Get into the tower and take what she could, but seems someone killed her, a god on a warpath with a pointy stick, the day of the battle..'

Tony felt a suckered punch to his gut, and be moved to sit on the arm of a couch.

'No one tells him, got it?..'.. He looked over to her, seeing her eyes bounce between him and Strange... 'Hes not to know, not now not ever..'


'No dad, no. He's come too far for something like this to throw him back. He wasn't in control, remember? Same with Bucky, he wasn't either. This would hurt Evie, so I'm asking you, for her, don't say anything..'.. She gave him a pleading look, and he relented, quashing down his anger.

'What was that other part?..'.. He waved his free hand.

'About who I was meant to be with? Yeah, Bucky..'.. She rolled her head, slouching down... 'What is it with me and the older guys? Seriously. And why are you all connected anyway, what's that about?..'.. She frowned at Strange.

'It would seem that you have quite the impact on those you have..'.. He looked to the ceiling as though trying to find the right word... 'Romantic relationships with..'

'Uh, you think the winter soldier and Hydra Charley would have had a romantic relationship?..'.. He opened and closed his mouth at her words... 'Yeah, don't think so, but I can guess what Hydra wanted from the two of them..'

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