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Once the jet touched down at the base, she made cuffs appear on the rest of them, just to be safe. Standing up from the seat, she sighed looking around at them... 'I'll just be a few minutes. You'll all be able to talk, and move, but the cuffs will stop you from leaving the jet, and you won't be able to take control of it. If you need the bathroom or to eat, drink..'.. She flicked her hand off to the side, where the table was, making food and drinks appear... 'Help yourselves. I won't be long..'.. She stepped over them and out of the jet.

After a minute, Tony felt a weird sensation over him and the suit fully opened, and he could move... 'Who the hell is that?..'.. He sat up and looked at his wrists, to the cuffs. They weren't attached to one another, but he could feel a tingle sensation around his wrists.

'I don't know..'.. Steve sighed, and quickly moved to put himself between Bucky and everyone else, seeing T'Challa get to his feet and remove his mask... 'She said it wasn't Bucky and she has proof. Look, I don't know who she is or what she's doing, but I swear it wasn't him..'

'You blindly put faith in a woman you do not know Captain?..'.. T'Challa stared him down.

'No, I put faith in the truth. I am sorry for your loss, but it wasn't him..'.. Steve had his hand out in front of him slightly.

'I can't believe you pulled them into this shit..'.. Tony gestured to Wanda and Clint.

'And you pulled them in Tony..'.. Steve gestured to the others that had stood with him... 'Locking Wanda up in the compound, really? Why not just put her in a cell, cause you may as well have..'

'I was trying to protect her..'.. Tony raised his voice... 'The world will tear her apart for this! They're already saying she's dangerous!..'

Wanda sucked in a breath, and Clint put his arm around her, pulling her to his side... 'She's not dangerous Tony. She's one of us. Out of everyone here, you're the worst..'

'You want to say that again?..'... Tony went to take a step towards Clint, but everyone was pulled back into the seats, and the straps instantly came over them, holding them in.

'My my..'.. They all turn their heads to see the woman walk on, and shove a man forward to the floor. His hands were bound behind his back, and he had a gag over his mouth... 'It is amusing that the youngest..'.. She pointed to Parker... 'Is the most mature of you all. Seems I have my work cut out for me. You couldn't handle being adults for twenty minutes..'

Tony watched as the woman knelt over the bound man, and pulled a knife... 'Now, I have shown you exactly what I am capable of, and I highly suggest you be a good boy, and don't fucking move, got it?..'.. The man nodded vigorously, and she stood... 'The other soldiers are dead. He killed them. He had a plan to draw you three..'.. She gestured to Tony, Steve and Barnes... 'Because he had a tape, of apparently Barnes killing Starks parents. Which by the way, kudos on the fake tape, almost believable..'

'What?..'.. Tony looked up at her and she sighed, shaking her head.

'He didn't, its a fake tape. You can check it out at the compound. It's someone Hydra had used to look like Barnes, but they made a mistake. Facial features are off, as is the arm and not to mention, one hit with that arm..'.. She gestured to Barnes again as she walked to the front to the pilot seat... 'With super strength, would kill anyone with one hit. Plus Barnes was on the other side of the world doing a different mission at the same time..'

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