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BB placed a sleeping Evie in her bed, tucking her in and placing a kiss to her daughters head. The oast few hours were chaotic, but it was a distraction that Evie needed. Bartons oldest was sharing a room with Parker, and his daughter was sharing Evies room. Him and his wife had gone to bed, taking their youngest with them.

All the other adults were lounging around in the main room, getting ready for the 'grown up' sleepover as P called it. Stealing one last look at Evie, BB closed the door quietly, as to not disturb both girls, seeing Peter out in the hall, waiting for her.

'You ok?..'.. He asked, falling into step with her as they walked back to the main room.

'Nope, but I will be..'.. She linked her arm with his... 'I'm glad you're here, that you stayed..'

'I got you Charley, and you got me. Were a team, and always will be..'.. He gave her a nudge and a smile, thw two hearing loud laughter drifting towards them from the main room... '$20 says Thor gets drunk first..'

BB chuckled... 'I'll take that bet, but it'll be Valkyrie..'.. They walk in, seeing that everyone is still pretty much sprawled out on the floor and couches.

'Uh, hey BB um..'.. Lang scrambled to his feet... 'We'd love to stay but-..'

'Its ok Lang, you don't need to explain..'.. She stepped forward to him, giving him a hug which he hesitantly reciprocated... 'Thank you..'.. She stepped back and did the same with Van Dyne who hugged tightly... 'Both of you, and Dr Pym..'.. She stepped back again, smiling at the two of them... 'I owe you all..'

'You don't owe us anything B, we're glad to have helped. You need anything, don't hesitate to call..'.. Van Dyne gave BBs hand a squeeze.

'I will. Now, you two ready?..'.. She asked and they nodded, so she flicked her wrist, teleporting them back to their home... 'So, what's the plan now?..'.. She clapped her hands together and moved to drop onto her pillows and blankets, looking around at the others.

'Drink and have fun?..'.. Romanoff held up a vodka bottle as she sat by the coffee table, shot glasses lined up, making BB laugh.

'Fine by me..'... She shifted to sit more comfortably.

'B, I'm still waiting to hear it. Come on, it's been months..'.. Valkyrie takes a long drink on her magical decanter, making BB smirk over to Peter. Oh, she was going to win the bet.

'What you talking about?..'... Wilson frowned over at her.

'I still want to know about this harem of hers..'.. Valkyrie gestures to BB, as Romanoff slides a shot over to her... 'We know know she married Loki and Grant, and slept with that one..'... She points to Peter... 'Plus, we were good friends apparently, so I want to know how good we were..'.. Valkyrie shrugged and BB rolled her eyes, knocking back the shot.

'You know she won't stop unless you tell her..'.. Romanoff chuckled.

'Its bad enough that Laufeyson knows, thanks to Peter letting him in his head..'.. BB sighed.

'And I have not spoken a word of what I saw, though it is very intriguing..'... She heard Loki chuckle, making her glare at him.

'Hush you..'.. She stuck her tongue out at him.

'Uh uh..'.. Peter reached out a foot, nudging her... 'Don't even go there..'

'I'm not!..'.. She scowled at him.

'So, Evie settle ok?..'.. Rogers asked her, changing the conversation, him and Hill were comfy a few feet from her on their own made up bed in the floor.

'She's asleep. That girl is a hell of a lot stronger than I am, I'll say that. I swear she could talk down a war, make everyone go stand in the naughty corner and think about what they did..'...Laughter erupted, everyone knowing that to be true.

'She learns from the best..'.. Tony chuckled.

'Oh, she's karma reincarnated, let me tell you. Sometimes I wonder who's the parent and who's the child with the way she scolds me..'.. BB shook her head with a smile.

'She told me I needed to work on my aim, cause I'm an old man my eyes are going bad if I missed such an easy shot..'.. Bucky snorted, causing laughter again.

'Yeah, not happy you're teaching her how to shoot, but she is more responsible than I give her credit for..'.. BB slid her shot glass back over for another.

'They're not real guns B, I would never be that careless..'.. Bucky reassured her.

'I know you wouldn't, that girl adores you, all of you..'.. She smiled around at them.

'About this harem..'.. BB closer her eyes, shaking her head as Valkyrie spoke again. This woman was not going to let it go.

'Ok ok, fine..'.. BB held her hands up... 'I'm going to need something stronger for this..'.. She flicked her hand, making a decanter of ale appear and poured herself half a glass, drinking it down in one... 'You already know three, Loki, Grant and Peter..'... This was going to be held over her for a really long time, cause he's such a smug bastard... 'There was also Wade..'.. She waved her had to the space near thw dining table, and created an illusion of the man.

BB cleared her throat, feeling a little emotional, seeing him again. He stood with his hands in his pockets, smiling at her in his jeans and tshirt, just like the last time she saw him... 'And then there was K, Kraven..'.. She shook her head.

'Well? What did he look like?..'.. Valkyrie gestured to Wade. BB sighed, and waved her hand, making him appear in an illusion, keeping her eyes closed, knowing exactly what would happen.

'I knew you wanted me!..'.. Laughter followed the smug words from P and she ground her teeth.

'Alternate you, but not you. He's different..'.. She whipped around to him, bit the look on Belovas face said it all, making her laugh. The blonde widow was practically drooling over her illusion of Kraven.

'Hes hot. Why don't you look like that?..'.. Belova slapped thw back of her hand to P's chest, nodding to Kraven.

'I think we should focus on the fact, that he..'.. Romanoff points the vodka bottle at Kraven, smirking at P... 'Had sex with B and other men, right?..'

BB burst out laughing, seeing P drop his smile... 'That he did, and he didn't complain..'

'We're you in charge B?..'... Hill chuckled, wiping her eyes from laughing.

'Only on Saturdays. We each had our own days, where the one in charge set the rules. Sundays was a rest day..'.. BB poured another glass, glancing over to Peter who was smirking and shaking his head... 'Don't you start..'

'I didn't say anything..'.. He held his hands up and shw made the illusions disappear.

'So what was it like? I mean, how did it work?..'.. Belova asked her.

'And that's my cue to leave..'.. Tony got up with Pepper, thw two starting to grab their bedding.

'I can take care of that..'.. BB flicked her wrist, sending their stuff back to their bedroom... 'Thank you both, for everything..'.. She stood, hugging the two of them, and waited until they left before spinning to the others... 'I got three holes and two hands..'

Watching Rogers choke on his drink, gasping for breath, Vision frowning in confusion over what she just said, Maximoff blushing next to him, while the others laughed, BB felt at home there.


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