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*October 2016*

Peter fidgeted under the hard gaze of BB, as she stood there with her arms folded, tapping her foot. He knew she was going to scold him for what he did, but he had to do it, he had to stop Toomes, even if no one else was going to.

'You were told numerous times Parker, about letting it go. We had it handled the right way..'.. He was surprised that she wasn't shouting, but she was more disappointed, which hurt a lot.

'I'm sorry B..'.. He looked down at the ground... 'I just, I wanted to help. I wanted to stop the bad guys..'

'I get it Parker, I do. But we've had this discussion, no big missions, no high level bad guys, until you're 21. We want you to hav-..'

'There he is..'.. She turned her head, seeing Stark stride towards them... 'You ready kid?..'

'What are you doing?..'.. She turned to him fully, seeing the smile on his face.

'Well, this was Peters win, so we're going to make it public that hes officially joining the team..'... He put his arm around Parkers shoulders, and led him off.

'No, hes too young..'.. She chased after them.

'Hes strongest, right? Your words. And he took down Toomes down by himself, he thinks hes ready...'... She saw Stark remove his arm and tap his device on his wrist. In front of the three of them, the display case opened up, with Parkers new nanotech suit... 'Got a press conference all set up, we can finally tell the world who you are. I mean, I dont know what they'll say about you being young, but hey..'.. Stark shrugged... 'You say you're ready right, so lets do this..'

She caught on, and she fought a smile, nodding to Stark... 'Hes still too young. He wants to have a normal life Stark..'.. She huffed out, folding her arms... 'Being an official member, he'll have his life on display. His aunt, his friends, everything. There will be no peace, no running from it..'

She noticed Parker step back... 'Look, I appreciate this Mr Stark..'.. He gestured to the suit... 'But B is right..'.. He shook his head... 'I-Im not ready. And it wont be fair on May or Ned or my friends. I just want to stay in the neighbourhood..'.. His head whipped between the two, as Hogan walked up, and Potts came out of the conference hall.

'Whats the hold up?..'.. Potts looked between everyone.

'Choice is yours Parker, what do you want to do?..'.. BB raised an eyebrow at him.

'I'm not ready to be officially part of the team. Maybe when I'm older? I uh, I want to have some of a normal life for now, if that's ok?..'.. He jammed his hands in his pockets, and BB smiled at him.

'Good call. Hogan will take you home Parker..'.. She stepped forward, and hugged him. It surprised her how much she had come to love the kid, as much as her Peter.

'Ok, but learn this lesson kid..'.. Tony put a hand on his shoulder... 'If something like this happens again..'

'If you tell me to leave it, then I should..'.. Peter nodded.

'We are proud of you Parker, you did great...'.. BB smiled at him... 'We want you safe, youre important to all of us. Whenever you are ready for the next step, we're here for you..'

'Thanks B, Thanks Mr Stark..'.. Parker nods to the two of them, and follows after Hogan.

'Ok, but what about the reporters? What do we tell them?..'.. Potts asks, and BB chuckled, tossing something to Stark as Potts walked off heading into the conference hall.

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