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Charley smiled, as she sat at the table, watching Loki dance with Evie. She had pulled together another wedding, for Steve and Maria, the happy couple were dancing slowly, oblivious to everyone else that was around them. She felt Peters hand on her thigh, bringing her attention back to him... 'What?..'

'I like seeing you like this..'.. His chin rested on his other hand, propped on the table... 'Completely happy..'

'Of course I am. I got you, our daughter..'.. She leaned into him... 'Our family. We're safe here, we're all happy. Evie and Sophie..'.. She put a hand to her stomach... 'They'll be able to grow up, and have somewhat of a normal life..'

Peter chuckled, giving her leg a squeeze... 'Their lives will be far from normal. Look at Evie now..'.. He jerked his chin to the little girl... 'You know exactly how much of an influence she's going to be on the rest of the kids. No chance of normal, but I can guarantee..'.. He shifted, leaning into her, their lips barely an inch apart... 'Their live won't ever be boring..'.. He didn't move, but she closed the gap between them, and kisses him lightly.

'You know the time for us to be married is up in two weeks. Do I even want to know what they've all planned?..'.. She asked him, getting up and moving to sit across his lap, one of his hands on her back, the other on her legs.

'Hm, I was thinking about that..'.. He titled his head slightly... 'How would you feel if it was just a name ceremony instead?..'

'What do you mean?..'..

'Charley, I won't ever cage you, not even in marriage. You need more, and you will always need more, I have no issues with that..'.. He moved his hand from her legs and covered her mouth as she went to talk... 'Sh. Us being married, you'll still to your vows, and won't be with anyone else, and I love that about you. Jut with a name ceremony instead, the ring is a promise to you, and you take my name anyway. Like a wedding, but no real officiant..'

Charley pulled his hand away... 'You don't want to marry me?..'

'You know I do. But I want you to be happy. Plus, I need you to have more lovers just so I can get a break..'.. He chuckled... 'Woman, I would marry you, if that's what you really want, but I know you, better than you know yourself..'.. He cupped her face, his thumb stroking her cheek... 'You're also in love with Loki, and I know you love a few of the others too. If they were happy to join in, you'd have them. But don't mistake any of this, as me not wanting to marry you Charley, I love you, for exactly who you are, and I won't be selfish, and keep you for myself..'

Charely sighed, tilting her face into his hold... 'You know I love you, right?..'

'Of course I do..'.. He smiled at her... 'I'm still yours Charley, and you're still mine. Besides, you know how much..'.. He leaned in, trailing kisses over her shoulder, and up her neck, making her squirm in his lap... 'I like seeing you with others, at our complete mercy..'.. He nipped her ear and she made a ridiculous noise, he held her tight, laughing into her neck.

'Why do you have to tease me and wind me up?!..'.. She wriggled on his lap with a pout... 'Its not fair! We can't leave yet..'.. She gestured to the dance floor.

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