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BB sighed, running her hands over the the box that held her rings. Everyone had returned to the compound, aside from Barnes. She hadn't told anyone he was coming back today, she wanted it to be a surprise for Rogers and Romanoff. His trigger words had been removed, and he was completely free.

She was glad he got to have his life back. She smiled thinking about her uncle Buck, he was a good man as was aunt Peg. She wanted to free this Barnes, for her uncle.

Shaking her head, she left her room, and headed out to oversee the last of the set up for tonights halloween party. Trust that this Stark loved a reason to throw a party for anything. Chuckling to herself, as she passed other agents and staff, she headed into the main room.

'You know, why dont you just wave your hands and create better decorations?..'... Stark asked her as she walked over.

'I'm not wasting magic on something so menial Stark..'.. She smiled at him... 'This is your party, not mine..'

'Yeah..'.. He nodded... 'Just thought we deserved a little down time after everything..'.. He peered at her, noticing her hand was bare... 'You dont have to push yourself B. If you're not ready to let go, then don't..'

'I know, and I'm not saying I am, its just..'.. She sighed... 'I cant move on, if I don't let go. I still love him, more than anything except Evie, but I know I'll never be able to go back..'

'I'm sorry B..'.. He said, giving her a small smile... 'At least Pietro has his eye on someone else now..'

She laughed, nodding at him... 'And I am thankful, believe me. Think Belova will handle him?..'

'Oh yeah. Shes a whole lot of fun, that one..'.. He chuckled.

'I'm going to finish up in the lab. I want everything locked down before the par-..'.. The two hear a rumbling, and look around, seeing others stop. She heard someone say about a ship, pointing out the window, and she grabbed hold of Stark, appearing outside.

'Give a guy a warning next time..'... He braced himself on his knees, as she looked up, watching the ship lower, landing in front of them. The two watch, and after a few minutes, the back opens in front of them, and they see three men and a woman walk out.... 'Bruce?..'

Banner, Thor, Loki and Valkyrie stroll out onto the lawn... 'Hey Tony, uh long time no see..'.. Banner gives a timid smile.

'Where the hell have you been?..'.. Tony stood straight, and his eyes stopped on Loki... 'What the fuck are you doing here?..'

'What a gracious welcome..'.. Loki snarked at him... 'Here as I do not have a choice..'

'It is a long story Stark..'.. Thor gestured to the woman with them... 'This is Valkyrie. And who is this with you?..'.. He gestured to the woman with Tony.

'Names BB. I know who you all are..'.. She smiled at Banner... 'Welcome home Dr Banner. I'm sure You're happy to he back, and not on Sakaar..'

'How did you know that?..'.. He frowned as she stepped forward to shake his hand.

'That's a secret..'.. She chuckled... 'Welcome back Odinson..'.. She nodded to Thor and moved to the woman, giving a salute... 'Welcome Valkyrie..'

'Do I not get a welcome darling?..'.. She took a deep breath, and moved in front of Loki.

'Do you even deserve one, after what you did? Lets get one thing straight here Laufeyson..'... She saw irritation in him... 'This is my world now, my home. I run this team, and I will not have you causing any chaos, mischief, death or destruction. No pranks, no bullshit, nothing. I can and will kill you, that's a promise. The only reason I will allow you your freedom, is because of your brother..'

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