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The following day, and BB was checking through Evies drawings, wanting to find something, anything that indicated what their future would be. She had them all spread out on her bed, as she sat cross legged against the headboard, when someone knocked her closed door... 'Come in at your own peril..'.. She called out, still looking through the pages, and the door opened.

'Can we talk or are you going to run away in a tantrum?..'.. She didn't bother looking up at him, as she frowned at one picture then put it down on her left side.

'Haven't you got to go pack your shit? You know, since you're leaving?..'... She put the little pile she had to her right and scooped up more from in front of her.

'So you're pissed..'.. He sighed, and moved to sit on her large chair by the window.

'What gave it away!..'... She snarked out sarcastically.

'Can you look at me..'.. His tone turned a little hard and she paused, looking up at him and giving him and incredulous look.

'You watch your tone with me sunshine, I'm not above kicking your ass. What the fuck do you want? You want to date, then date. You want to leave, then fucking leave, I don't care. My priority is and always will be Evie..'.. She had to rein in her anger, and looked back down at the other pages in her hands.

'You do care, otherwise you wouldn't be angry..'.. She could hear the smugness in him, and was itching to just disappear, but then she'd prove him right, and that wasn't something she wanted to do.

'Indifferent, not angry. Was there anything else you wanted, or can you get the fuck out now?..'.. She sifted through the ones she held, putting two to her left and the rest to her right.

'You're looking for answers in her drawings. What are you wanting to know?..'... He asked, and she glanced to him, seeing him lean forward in the chair.

'Loki filled me in on Strange and your theories about me, just taking a look at what sticks out the most..'.. She sat back, dropping her hands.... 'You're really going to leave me?..'

'I'm not leaving you Charley, but you're the one who said for me to move on. You've made it clear, you don't want me..'.. Peter moved to sit on the end of the bed, picking up a picture.

'I can't lose you. Wade couldn't really commit, he was in and out of our relationship, same with K. Grant married me, but cheated, choosing her over me, and my Loki died to save us. You're the only one I have left. I wasn't good enough for them, yeah Loki loved me, but he was always trying to change me in the smallest ways, remember?..'... She gestured to him and he nodded.

He did remember, Loki would often remind Charley that she should be at home, taking care of Evie, than out on missions. That the swearing, drinking and fighting had to stop, and be more homely. It wasn't that he was controlling, not at all, it was as though he wanted Charley to be the perfect asgardian wife, a princess, he just had expectations.

'You're the only one, who ever really saw me Peter, you never left me. I just..'.. She shook her head... 'I can't risk losing you. I want you to be happy, and even if it seems like I'm not, I am. I'm scared of someone else having you all to themselves and I'll be forgotten..'.. She didn't look up at him, but the papers got swept off her bed, and felt him grab her ankles, yanking her down so she was laying flat on her back.

'I'll move on..'.. He climbed over her, his hands either side of her head as he looked down at her... 'If that's what you want, but no one, will ever come close to you. I'll love them as a friend, and yes I'll try to have relationships, but they will always come second. If I have to move on, I'll never have a family with them, because I have you and Evie..'

She swallowed hard, the drawings in her hands fluttering to the floor, and her fists tightened on the bedding beneath her.

'Whatever you want, wherever you go, whatever you do, I am always with you Charley. I love you, have loved you since you saved me from my darkness. I would follow you to hell and back, and fight at your side through every battle. I am, and always will be, yours. When are you going to see that?..'.. His gaze was burning into her, and she felt she couldn't breathe, so she let her emotions go, and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him to her, and kissing him hard.

She did love him, he never once tried to change her, he always accepted her and he was right, he was always by her side, no matter what. She wanted him, needed him, more than she needed to breathe.


Loki chuckled quietly, and waved a hand to the door, making sure they two wouldn't be disturbed. He had wanted to speak with Charley about their thoughts, about what Strange has said, but hearing their conversation as he stood outside the door, he had a feeling that they would be indisposed for the rest of the day.

Walking down the hallway he chuckled again... 'Computer woman, Charley and Peter are indisposed and are not to be disturbed for the rest of the day, unless it is an absolute emergency. All inquiries and anything to do with Evie, passes through me..'

'You got it mischief..'..


Tony frowned at the notice Friday put out, wondering what was going on, but his AI just informed him that it was Lokis orders, and that the god was on his way to the main room. Leaving his lab, he snagged Bruce from his, the two heading to catch up with the others.

'You think he's told her he's leaving?..'.. Bruce asked him as they walked.

'No idea, but this could be something they need to deal with..'... Tony shrugged.

'Uh..'.. Bruce ran a hand over the back of his neck.


'Do you think you have more kids? I mean, do you think it's possible?..'... Bruce gestured to Tony.

'That's what I've been looking into all night..'.. Tony sighed, wiping his face with his hand. He was exhausted but he needed to know... 'Honestly afraid to know the answer..'

'And Charley? You think they were right? That she already was here?..'.. Tony hates that question even more. To think there was a version of Charely that existed, and he didn't know about her. What if she had died? He never got the chance.

'I don't know, but I got Charley now, and Parker and Evie. I got my second chance at it all, right here..'.. Tony couldn't help the small smile that came to him, thinking about the three of them... 'And I'm not gonna waste it..'... Tony clapped Bruce's shoulder.

Stepping into the main room, Tony looks around and spots Loki speaking with his brother... 'Uh, who gave you the right to issue orders to Friday?..'

Loki chuckled, glancing over to him... 'Charley and Peter are..'... He waved his hand in thought... 'Making up for lost time. I am sure they do not want to be interrupted, I value my life to not incur her wrath..'

Tony caught on and shook his head, moving to the kitchen to make a coffee... 'Friday, make sure her room is soundproofed, I don't think any one of us want to hear that happening..'.. As much as he didn't want to think about it, those two were clearly in love with one another, and if big Pete made her happy, then that's all that mattered to Tony.


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