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Feeling even more frustrated as another month passed, BB didn't know what to do with herself. Evie was getting lessons, from everyone, throughout the week, and on weekends had a lot of fun with the team, as a group or some one on one.

But her, she was working in a lab, doing missions, spending time with her daughter, but something was still missing, and she knew what it was. Now that life had settled for her, she missed having that intimacy with her husbands, her guys. She was alone at night, no one to have that closeness with.

Sure, she helped to nudge others together, but she hadn't formed any attachments like that, as at the time, she was set to leave, but now, she could date, start again, and that was the issue. Having to go through the whole dating shit, again.

Shaking her head, she slipped her headphones on, and headed out of her room, needing to run a mile, or ten. The sun hadn't even come up yet, but by the colour of the sky, it would be in the next half hour. Her music was loud, but it didn't drown out her thoughts.

Should she start dating again? Would anyone measure up to what she had before? Was it even fair on Evie? If she could put off having another kid, would that stop Kang? Probably not, the last one literally tore her universe apart to try and take Evie. And that thought right there, just opened up a whole shitload of panic.

BB stopped running, bracing herself on her knees, gasping for breath. It felt as though someone was squeezing her chest and she couldn't breathe. Her mind went into overdrive, thinking about it all. How could she protect this world, when she couldn't save her own? She had almost lost Evie once, what if she really lost her this time? And Kang was coming after her son, who wasn't born yet?

So many thoughts, so much panic, she could feel her body swaying, as her vision clouded, and she passed out, but not before arms caught hold of her.


Tony watched as she got laid on the couch, and he was internally panicking. She was so damn strong, fighting for everyone, dealing with so much shit that life had thrown at her, and she still kept going. She was his daughter, no matter what, and right now all he wanted to do, was shield her from everything.

Bruce had moved to her side and crouched down, checking her over, and the others stayed back, knowing not to crowd her when she came around... 'She's ok, I think she just fainted. Her heart rate is a little high, but it'll come down..'

Tony let out a breath, and moved to sit on the arm of the couch by her feet as Bruce stood, and Peter moved to kneel on the floor next to her, taking hold of her hand. Tony could see it, thw guy was completely in love with her. The two had talked often, and Tony knew that no matter what, Peter would never leave her or Evie.

'She's overwhelmed. Charley never runs, unless it's to clear her mind..'.. Peter says aloud to them all... 'She's going to be ok..'... He smiled, his thumb stroking the back of her hand... 'She's a Stark..'

Tony couldn't help but smile at that, she really was a Stark... 'She needs to stop bottling it all up. We want to help, but she won't talk to us..'

'Don't take it to heart. Charley talks when she wants to, but she doesn't want to feel like a burden. All her life, she's given herself to others, when they needed help, she just doesn't know how to ask for it in return..'.. Peter glanced over to him.

'Can I ask you something?..'.. Tony shifted turning to him.


'Why did you two never marry? Its clear you love her and she loves you, even though its kinda weird..'.. That earned a chuckle... 'Why did she marry Loki and Grant, not you?..'

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