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A week had passed since the spell had been done, breaking BB and Grant of their marriage bond, and honestly, she was feeling really low. All she wanted to do, was get this doorway done, and fuck off somewhere, that her and Evie could have a quiet and happy life.

'Dr Pym, I have the equations you sent me and the schematics, but wondering if your particles could be the key..'.. She spoke with him via video call in her office. His reasoning, he wasn't a fan of Tony's and didn't want his work getting into the wrong hands.

'My particles are not for everyone. Scott is one of the very few I trust..'.. He tells her... 'The only reason I am even taking your request into consideration, is because of what you have done for him, and my daughter..'

BB smiled warmly at him... 'Miss Van Dyne is a force to be reckoned with Dr Pym. It gives me great pleasure in knowing there are women as successful as her, to lead young girls into the future..'

He chuckled... 'Flattery works too, but I still won't release my particles to you. Though you are more than welcome to visit, and we can work on your project here..'

She thought it over... 'Dr Pym, would it be possible to come now?..'

'Of course, I can send you my location..'..

'That is not necessary. If you could just show me your office right now, I can be there in just a moment. I completely understand your want to remain hidden..'.. He nodded to her and turned the screen so she could see... 'Thank you Dr Pym. See you in a moment..'.. She hung up the call at took a deep breath, teleporting right over.

'That is astounding..'.. He said, looking at her from his desk and she laughed, walking closer and holding her hand out to shake his.

'Thank you for the compliment. And just so you know, flattery gets you everywhere with me..'.. She grinned at him and he chuckled, shaking her hand.

'Scott doesn't shut up about you..'.. He stands and comes around his desk, leading her out of his office... 'When he first told me who you really were, it was hard to believe..'

'Says the man who created a formula that can shorten the distance in between an object's molecules, effectively reducing its size, while maintaining its entire mass? Not to mention your studies on the quantum realm? Forgive me Dr Pym, but please don't play dumb with me, you are far to intelligent to do so..'.. She smirked across at him, and he laughed again. BB sees a woman stick her head around the door they were walking to, and she noticed that it was his daughter.

'Ah, you would be Miss BB. I am Hope, but given what Scott has told us, you already knew who I am..'.. She held her hand out and BB shook it.

'Just call me B. A pleasure to meet you Miss Van Dyne. A woman such as yourself, I am sure you are punching well below your weight with Mr Lang..'.. Dr Pym laughed again, as he moved around the table, where all the formulas and schematics were laid out.

'I really do like you B..'.. He said... 'I think you're the only one on that team I'd tolerate long enough..'

'I'm a delight and everyone loves me. Except my ex husband..'.. She shrugged.

'Well, it is amazing to know that the multiverse is real, and that you're from there. Tony Starks daughter?..'... Hope looked across to the woman who nodded.

'That I am. I have powers, wield magic, have a version of the super soldier serum. Badass fighter, hold a dozen degrees, speak ten languages, and I have killed more people than I can count, but don't worry, only the bad guys..'..BB chuckled, seeing the stunned looks on their faces.

'Oh. I can't imagine what you have been through. Scott said you've been here a few years..'.. Hope pulled out a chair and sat down, as did BB. She filled the two in on a lot, leaving out many of the darker details.

'Wow. I..'.. Hope shook her head... 'I don't know what to say. How is your daughter handling it all?..'

'Better than me. For a five year old, she's very mature for her age. So..'.. BB sat back in her seat, looking between the two... 'The reason for my visit. First, I get that you don't want anyone knowing of your location here, and I respect that, no one will know. Second, I wanted to get a good read on you both, and I know I can trust you. I respect you don't want to share your work Dr Pym, so perhaps I can send you all my files and notes? I'm sure you, Miss Van Dyne and Mr Lang will have a better grasp of creating this doorway..'

He pondered it for a moment... 'Stark won't be happy to share his work..'

'Its my work, not his. We will still continue at the compound, running our own simulations. Having two teams working on the same goal, perhaps one of us will have a better chance of success. Who knows how long it could take..'.. BB waved her hand.

'Your ex-husband, Grant?..'.. He gestured to her and she nodded... 'Would he happen to know of what they did in this other reality? To create a door?..'

'Unfortunately not. He was too busy bending Captain Carter over a desk, to take note of anything important..'.. BB chuckled, and Hope coughed to hide a laugh.

'Hope, call Scott in, we got work to do..'.. Hank nods to his daughter and she smiles at the two of them, leaving the room to make the call... 'I know this is not my business, but are you sure leaving is a good idea? Don't get me wrong, you managed to strong arm the government here, and you seem to have made a big impact already..'

BB sighed, shaking her head... 'I just want to keep my daughter safe, so past mistakes don't get repeated..'

'I understand that..'.. He said.

'How did you handle it all? I'm sorry about your wife. I many not have known you both very well in my world, but you two definitely made impressions there..'.. BB smiled at him... 'Nobel worthy impressions..'

He chuckled... 'Thank you. I'm glad to hear we got a chance in another time, but it was hard, losing Janet. I made the mistake of losing myself to my work, it became an obsession, and because of that, I lost many years of being a real father to Hope. It put a strain on us both, and it's a regret I will live with, for the rest of my life..'

He cleared his throat and sat forward... 'May I be frank?..'.. She nodded to him... 'Don't make the same mistakes I did. I understand why you want to leave here, but don't lose yourself to all that weight you are carrying around, cause one day, when it breaks you, it will fall to your daughter to carry..'

BB took a deep breath... 'You know Dr Pym, everyone else has been pushing for me to stay, and not one of them understanding why I want to go, but you do. You put it in a way that actually has me putting everything on pause, giving me time to think, to breathe..'

'Are any of them parents?..'.. He asked.

'Three, and funnily enough, they're not the ones pressuring me, they give me understanding..'.. She sighed... 'We need a drink..'... She flicked her wrist, making a tray of drinks appear as Van Dyne walked back in.

'That is definitely something I wish I could do..'.. Hope gestured to the tray and sat down... 'Hes on his way..'

BB handed the two of them a drink and raised her glass... 'To creating the impossible..'.. The other two raised their glasses, toasting with her, and they sat talking through ideas, while waiting for Lang.


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