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Staring into his fearful eyes, she knew he didn't want to let go, but she ripped her hand from him. It was her choice, and a hard choice to make. Save them both, or they all go.

As she fell through, all she could think about was the saying, 'your life flashes before your eyes' when you know you're going to die. This, this was what she knew, she sacrificed herself, to save them both, to save them all. She could hear her name being screamed, the tear stained faces of the two of them, being the last thing she saw, as she fell through, and light erupted all around her.

Memories of her life flitted through her mind as she accepted her fate. Of her father, the most amazing parent she could ever ask for. He wanted her as soon as he knew her mom was pregnant. He raised her alone, after her mother walked away, and he gave her the best life she could ever ask for.

He gave up the family business, instead going into humanitarian work, making sure that other children around the world, families had what they needed. He gave her love, support, comfort, and all he ever wanted in return, was to know that she was happy. He would move heaven and earth to ensure she was.

And then, shortly after her 21st birthday, he was killed, on a humanitarian mission in Afghanistan. His convoy took a hit, and he didn't make it. She had handed the foundation over to her fathers assistant, and instead focused on finding those responsible for his death, hunting them all down.

She remembered every one of her friends, those that became family. Her aunt and uncle, who she adored, who guided her to stay on the right path, and not let the darkness take over.

And then she met him, by pure chance, a few years later. That was the day, her whole life changed. He saved her, in more ways than one, and they had been insperabale ever since, until this moment.

As she continued to fall, not knowing what would happen, she smiled through her fear, remembering every single moment they spent together, the life they made. This ending, was worth it, knowing the two of them were alive.

The bright light around her, swallowed her up, and she continued hurtling through it all, begging for death to come quickly.


Two years. Two painfully long years, that's how long she had been there. She had no idea how it was even possible, or that she would ever survive the fall, but she did. She had watched this world push itself to the brink of war more than once, and the absolute stupidity of the damn so called heroes, were at the center of it all.

Two years, of hiding in plain sight, but then again, she wasn't a genius for nothing. Her father taught her everything, not to mention her tech was so much better. This world, was a little outdated, which was why it was so easy to do what she needed, implanting codes, programs and protocols in place.

After her first month there, she had obtained more than enough to be able to keep an eye on the merry band of misfits. They had their uses, but she didn't think they had enough common sense between them to fill a teaspoon.

Two years, of trying to keep them from doing stupid shit and working in the shadows. Two years, of watching them tear themselves apart from the inside because tweedledum and tweedledee were butting heads and constantly having pissing contests. They really needed to get their heads out of their asses and work together, cause this world, was not ready for what would come.

She had seen the whole Sokovia shit show, and now the colossal fuck up in Lagos, knowing that the world governments were on edge, and wanted to control the merry band of dipshits. She wasn't going to let that happen, not while she was alive and breathing.

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