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BB walked back in with Steve and Peter, seeing Evie curled up on Nats lap, sniffling. She looked around at the others, waiting for someone to explain, but she just saw awkwardness in their body language... 'Who made her cry?..'.. She headed to the couch, sitting next to Nat.

'She said she saw Theo, but he's not going to be here, he's going to be with her other dad, Grant. She's upset because she thought she would be a big sister, and instead, she going to be alone..'.. Nat explained to her.

'Huh, so I did heal him then..'.. BB sat back.

'Are you serious right now?..'.. Nat scowled at her... 'She's upset and that's all you got to say about it?..'

'I'd rethink how you speak to me Romanoff, you have no idea, the shit I'm capable of, and I'm in no mood, for any of you to judge me for a damn thing you know nothing about..'.. BB leaned towards Nat, staring her down... 'I didn't know if I could heal him or not, and he deserves to have a family. It is not my fault that this kid Evie saw wouldn't be here, I can't see the damn future, like she can. Grant should be allowed to have a family, and I wanted that for him..'

'B..'.. Tony moved to sit opposite them... 'I think Evie is sad, because she thought she would get a sibling here, a brother, and she thinks she's going to be an only child..'

'I get that Tony, but you're all missing the bigger picture here..'.. BB shook her head.

'Whats that?..'.. Wanda asked, as she sat on the arm next to Nat, stroking Evies hair.

'The guy that came for Evie, he's not coming here, he's going after Theo, there. And as she said, her uncle Peter, and different one..'.. She gestured to her Peter... 'Stops him, so yeah they'll have a battle, but they win. We're safe here..'

'And Evie is upset..'.. Nat huffed at her, making BB turn, peering at her daughter, and laughed, which shocked the others.

'Oh really? I got to say, you are playing this well kiddo, you really are..'.. BB rolled her eyes, and sat back, folding her arms, not caring that the others were stunned at her reaction... 'This is just like the whole Onyx thing..'

Peter chuckled, shaking his head... 'I thought she was, but couldn't tell..'

'Why are you two laughing?..'.. Steve looked between the two of them, and herd Loki chuckle too.

'Evie is playing you all, right into her little hands. Come now little one, this is not the way to go, to get your way..'.. Loki looks to Evie in Nats lap who just huffs, sitting up and pouting.

'I wanted a brother..'.. Evie whines.

'You knew he wasn't going to be in this reality Evie, and manipulating people, is not the way to go..'.. BB looks to her daughter.

'Wait, wait..'.. Tony held a hand up... 'Was she really upset?..'

'No. She sees things, remember and she knew Theo wouldn't be here. She wanted you all to be on her side, to help her make me have another kid..'.. BB smirked, holding her hand out to Evie who high fived her... 'Got to give you credit where its due kid. You really are the daughter of mischief..'

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