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Everyone backed up, to give BB some room as she helped bring Wanda round. No one knew what to say right now, considering everything in the last hour. She was from a different universe, and Pietro was alive, currently sitting at the end of the table, with his feet up on it.

'I'm dreaming, aren't I?..'... Wanda groaned, as BB helped her to sit up on the floor.

'No. But I will explain. You ok to get up?..'.. She asked, and Wanda nodded at her, helping her up and into the chair. Wanda looked around the room, her eyes landing on her brother, and she felt tears build.

'You're really alive?..'.. Her voice think with emotions, and he got up, coming around and crouching by her chair.

'Yeah. I really did die, but BB, I can't explain it, even I don't understand but she saved me, brought me back..'.. He gave her hand a squeeze, and Wanda wrapped him in a hug.

'How did you bring him back? He had multiple injuries..'.. Stark asked, and she sighed.

'I used unethical means, which I won't get into. But his body took time to heal. I kept in in a medically induced coma until he was healed enough, but he had no memories. I kept him somewhere safe, and in time he started to remember. I couldn't let him walk around when the world thought he was dead, it would bring up a lot of questions, not to mention a lot of officials would want to know how it's possible to come back from the dead..'.. BB walked back to the end of the table.

'In all that time, you didn't think to let Wanda know?..'.. Clint was a little angry, the kid had died protecting him and he was weighed by the guilt he couldn't save Pietro.

'I had to be sure that what I did, worked. And that he would remember by himself. I couldn't force anything on him Barton, P had to heal from the inside, in here..'.. She tapped her head.

'Any other surprises we should know about?..'.. Steve tapped the desk, not missing the look she shared with Tony... 'So that's a yes..'.. He sighed.

Both BB and Tony told the team everything, about the files they had, the evidence against Ross and what his plans were for the team.... 'I won't let anything happen, to any of you..'

'I believe you..'.. Vision spoke up... 'What you have told us, shows strength of who you are. You lost your own family, your own world and here, you are trying to save us from a similar fate, thank you..'.. He nodded to her... 'For being here. I cannot imagine how you are feeling, but I do trust you..'

Visions words struck a chord with everyone, and Wanda got to her feet, coming around and hugging BB, who awkwardly hugged her back... 'Thank you for saving him..'

'Not to sound harsh, but I did it because we need to ensure this world is protected. Need everyone we can get on this..'.. She stepped back, clasping her hands behind her back... 'My world is roughly five years ahead of yours, but I hope it does not have the same ending..'

'Something is coming isn't it? The same one that came for your daughter?..'.. Nat asked her and BB shook her head.

'No, this one is a minor inconvenience, but not something you have faced before. I don't even know if it will happen. Me being here, has already changed your future, and P is supposed to be dead..'.. BB gestured to him and he smirked, folding his arms.

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