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She rushed through to the main room, heading for the kitchen, needing to drink, catch her breath, anything to stop her head from spinning. How did this happen? Well, she knew how it happened but she didn't think it would ever happen.

'Charley, you ok?..'.. She felt a hand to her back, and Nat at her side, rubbing circles.

'I-I I..'.. She was trying to speak but she was stuck on a damn replay that she couldn't get her words out.

'She's in shock..'.. She heard Tony come to her other side, as she braced her hands on the sink, taking deep breaths... 'I take it you're not happy?..'

She turned her head to him, not caring anyone else was there... 'Not 10 minutes ago, I was happy from the sex I was having, only for Evie to drop that on us! Right now, no, I'm not happy!..'

'Uh..'.. She heard the confusion in Steve, and turned, her back against the sink, but leaning into Tony.

'Apparently, I'm pregnant..'.. She ran her hands over her face.

'Congratulations?..'... She peeked through her fingers, seeing Sam wary... 'Or commiserations?..'.. That made her scoff.

'Literally just got dressed after sex, and we haven't really had a chance to talk, before Evie practically broke down the door in excitement..'.. She felt Tony move away, and she saw him pull a face.

'Couldn't shower first? I hugged you..'.. He shuddered, and BB flipped him off.

'Trying to wrap my head around this Tony..'.. She scowled at him.

'Well if something else was wrapped you wouldn't be freaking out now, would you?..'.. Bucky ducked as she threw a mug at him, and Thor caught it... 'Just stating a fact here Charley, don't get angry at me..'

'Sorry. Shouldn't have thrown it at you..'.. She flicked her wrist, the cup disappearing from Thors hand, and back on the counter next to her... 'I mean, I'm still trying to let my guard down, thinking we are actually safe here, wanting to let Evie have somewhat of a childhood that didn't involve battles and chaos..'

'Well, from what we do know, you got some time yet, but things may have changed because you're here. Who's to say that anything will happen..'.. Nat nudged her shoulder.

'I know, I know..'.. She ran her hands through her hair, blowing out a breath... 'Can you all stop staring at me? You're not helping..'

The others dispersed back to whatever they were doing, only her Tony and Pepper now remained in the kitchen... 'What do I do?..'.. She asked quietly. She didn't know what to think, or do, this wasn't what she expected.

'Here..'.. Pepper handed her a cup of chamomile tea, and then guided her to sit at the breakfast bar... 'First, you are going to take some time to process and decompress, I'll make sure the others back off and leave you be. Second, you and Peter are going to take the weekend, and go to your cabin, just you two and talk. Tony and I will take care of Evie, you need some time..'

'Thanks mom..'.. She sighed, sipping her tea, and not realising those words slipped out, and then she froze, the cup clattering to the counter top, eyes widening... 'Sorry, I-..'.

She didn't get a chance to say anything else as Pepper wrapped her in a tight hug, and noticed Tony's beaming smile, his eyes glistening, watching them both... 'Um, can't breathe..'.. She patted Peppers back, who let her go, seeing a few tears fall down her smiling face... 'Look, there's no doubt about it, you're mom and he's dad..'.. She nodded to Tony... 'I just didn't think before I said it, it slipped. I wasn't sure if you'd be ok with it..'

Pepper stepped back, Tony wrapping his arm around her back as she wiped her face with her hands... 'Whatever you feel comfortable with, it's ok with us, right?..'.. She looked to Tony who nodded.

'Yep, she's right. Doesn't matter you're from another universe, you're my kid regardless and even before you told us, it's how I thought of you anyway...'.. Tony smiled at Charley, seeing her nod slightly.

'Well then, mom, dad..'.. She emphasised each word, with a little eye roll... 'You sure it's ok to have your granddaughter this weekend?..'.. The megawatt smiles from both nearly blinded her, making her laugh... 'I'll take that as a yes..'

'Was wondering when you'd call them that..'.. Turning her head, she saw Peter standing by the doorway, Evie in his arms, both smiling. He set her down and her daughter ran over, as she stood, catching the little girl and scooping her up.

'You ok to stay with grandma and grampa for a few days?..'.. She asked Evie.

'Yes. And pops can't make another baby in your belly yet, so don't worry.'.. Evie patted her cheek, and she heard sniggering around her.

'Sometimes I blame your papa for those smartass remarks of yours..'.. BB narrowed her eyes to loki who just smirked back.

'Mama, my DNA is half papa half you. My smarts come from papa, the attitude comes from you..'.. Evie wriggled out of her arms, going to Tony and Pepper while chuckles broke out.

'She's not wrong, is she?..'.. BB felt arms come around her, one settling on her stomach, the other holding up a box... 'Not taking no for an answer, our kid isn't going to be born without my name Charley..'

'Nope..'.. She pulled from him, but he gripped her wrist, spinning her back to him, with a smile... 'No. I'm still processing the last few weeks, and this is too much. I'm overwhelmed, over stimulated and need to breathe..'

'Ok. But here's the deal..'.. Peter slipped the box back into his pocket, and held her by the waist... 'I'll give you time, three months. A wedding will be arranged, and you will marry me. But for now, just take your time..'

'I hate you, you know that..'.. She dropped her forehead to his chest and he chuckled, rubbing her back.

'I know, but you still love me anyway..'.. He kissed the top of her head, looking around at the others... 'So, anything important come up, or you all just nosing for gossip?..'.. That made her laugh.

'Still think it's weird..'.. Tony said, picking Evie up and nodding to the two of them... 'But as long as my girls are happy, no complaints from me. And, we'll take care of the wedding..'.. He looked to Pepper... 'Our daughter deserves the best..'

BB shifted in his hold, glancing to the two behind her and seeing them both so happy... 'You know..'.. She looked over to the other women... 'There's a lot of things that need doing. Bachelorette party, baby shower, the fittings. Think you girls can help?..'... All the women lit up... 'As long as I don't have to make any decisions, I trust you all. Just tell me when and where to show up..'

Peter laughed, shaking his head... 'You said the same thing last time. Pretty sure Frigga was silently cursing you for not wanting to be a part of any of it..'

She slapped the back of her hand to his chest with a scoff... 'Shut up, she loved me. I gave her free rein to do whatever she wanted, it made her happy. Between her, Hela, Sif and Hilde, it was perfect for the three of us..'

'An extravagant asgardian wedding, not sure ours would compare to that..'.. He sighed, and she pulled out of his hold and punched him in the arm... 'Uh, ow..'

'Listen up dipshit, I'm not saying yes, not right now, but if or when we do get married, it doesn't need to be anything big or extravagant, it'll be just us, got it?..'.. He nodded, smirking at her... 'Don't even go there..'.. She rolled her eyes and went to cupboards, needing a real cup of tea. If she couldn't drink for the next nine months, not even coffee, then there better be something worth drinking in the place.


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