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(63 days until probation is over)

BB rubbed a hand over her forehead, feeling a little irritated that a certain speedster didn't listen to a damn word she said. Sitting across from him, while he looked like the naughty kid who got caught sneaking out, she rolled her eyes and sat back.

'What the fuck were you thinking?..'.. She waved her hand, making food and drinks appear on the table in front of them. He snatched a bottle, twisting the top off.

'I was thinking that I'm sick of masterbating and needed to get laid..'.. Pietro shrugged. Well, he's was going to get reamed out, might as well be honest about it.

'Ok, too much information..'.. She held her hands up pulling a face... 'Its like my brother just told me he popped his cherry, I didn't need to know..'

Pietro chuckled and took a draft from his bottle... 'I'm bored BB. Come on, I'm stuck here..'.. He gestured around... 'And my only interaction with another person, is you. Kinda need some leeway here..'

BB sighed, he was right. It wasn't fair that he was stuck at the cabin all alone... 'Fine..'.. She sat forward, and held her hand out... 'Give me your right wrist..'.. He sits forward and does as she asks... 'I'll spell your watch..'.. She taps it with her other hand... 'When you wear it, your image will be different. You'll only see it in reflection, but it will be how others see you. I will give you a new identity, so please for the love of all that is holy, don't fuck around and start shit, don't bring anyone back here, and definitely don't knock up some girl..'

'Deal..'.. He grinned, as she took off his watch, putting it on the table in front if her... 'I'm still going to be hot, right? Any chance I can have tattoos?..'

She scowled across from him, and picked up a slice of pizza, rolling her eyes... 'You'll get what you're given and you'll shut up about it..'

He chuckled and took a slice... 'Thanks BB. I know you're just looking out for me. I promise not to mess around..'

'You better not. I brought you back from the dead, and I can easily kill you..'.. She gave him a look and he smirked.

'Admit it, you love me..'.. He took a bite, a proud smile on his lips as he chewed.

'You're tolerable..'.. She put her slice down, and grabbed a beer, snapping the lid off.

'How's the team doing?..'.. He asked her and she huffed... 'That bad, huh?..'

'The team isn't so bad, it's something else. Someone is gunning for the team, and I found out the truth of what they're really upto. Don't worry, no one hurts the team, but you know, it's a good think I don't exist, huh?..'.. She picked up her slice, grinning wickedly... 'I can get away with murder..'

'You genuinely scare me sometimes..'.. He nodded to her and she laughed.


Tony was in his offince, looking at the mission file that had been given to him that morning. This would be the first group mission since BB arrived, and she had made it very clear what she expected from everyone. He couldn't deny, she had grown on him.

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