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BB watched from the side, as Bucky swung Nat around, the two practically glowing with happiness. The two of them deserved this, but it wasn't a happy ending, it was a happy beginning to a new chapter. Her eyes trailed across, seeing Tony with Evie in his arms, and danced around with her.

Everyone was settled with someone, aside from Loki, but he seemed content to just have this, friends, a family right now. BB couldn't help but think back to her wedding day with her Loki and Grant, the two of them looked so perfect, and having her family around her on Asgard, it was perfect.

'You know, this is all your doing right?..'.. Steve came to her side, nudging her with his shoulder.

'If you say so Cap, but honestly..'... She smiled, seeing the bride and groom so happy... 'My uncle buck meant everything to me. He was kind, compassionate, always there. He was my favourite person in the whole world aside from my dad. This Bucky, he deserves to be happy, and Nat is absolutely perfect for him..'

Steve could see her eyes get bright, unshed tears brimming. He put his arm around her, and she leaned in... 'You saved us all Charley, every one of us. You gave us a new life, hope..'.. He chuckled, glancing over to Maria... 'Love and made us a family. The day you came into our lives is up in my top ten, along with the day Evie arrived. Thank you, for everything..'.. He kissed the top of her head and she sniffled... 'By the way, Peter hasn't taken his eyes off you the whole time..'.. He spoke quietly, and he heard the irritated sigh.

'He can look all he wants, I'm not dealing with anything other than attempting to get drunk today..'.. She downed her champagne, and magically refilled the glass with ale, making him chuckle... 'So, when you going to ask her?..'

'Not surprised you'd know, but I don't know, want to help me?..'.. He almost had his eye taken out from her whipping around and jumping up and down, grinning at him... 'I'll take that as a yes..'.. He laughed and took her glass from her... 'Come on, you owe me dance..'


All the kids were passed out in the playroom, exhausted from the day. They had started to wane, and Parker brought them all in the room which was filled with large comfy bed chairs for each one, as well as a whole table full of drinks and snacks while they watched a movie. Parker and Leeds were watching over them for the night, so the adults could have some down time.

BB was tired, feet aching and all she wanted was a soak in a very hot bath, before crawling into her bed. She had consumed an inordinate amount of alcohol, near boarding on Vals level, before she finally started feeling the effects.

Pulling off her dress, she let it pool at her feet before walking into her bathroom to put the water on. She washed her makeup off, and pulled her hair pins out, shaking her head at her reflection.

'You'd think you'd be happy after today..'.. Her eyes found him in her mirror, and she turned to face him, folding her arms.

'I am happy, for everyone, doesn't mean that I'm happy for me..'.. She dropped her gaze, shaking her head.

'I could see it in your face Charley, you were thinking about your day, about them..'... He slipped his hands into his pockets, watching her.

'Yep. I didn't want to ruin their day, by crying over mine. It was a long time ago, and I should have dealt with it all by now..'.. She turned to the bath, now that it was half full, and shut the water off.

'Grief and loss, have no time limit to morn, you know that. Time doesn't make it go away, just a little bit easier, day by day..'.. He stepped into the bathroom, and took her arm, pulling her in for a hug. She let the first tear slip, and then the rest followed... 'I got you Charley, always..'

'What the fuck did I ever do to deserve you..'.. He heard her sniffle into his shirt.

'Save me? Help me? Love me? Gave me a purpose? Friends? A family? Do I need to go on?..'.. He looked down at her with a small smile... 'I don't know why I'm the only one, aside from Grant and Evie that survived, but I'd like to think that it's the universes way of saying, you're stuck with me, no matter what..'.. He heard a little chuckle come from her, and she pulled back, grabbing her face cloth to wipe away her tears.

'Like I haven't put up with you for long enough?..'.. She teased, a small smile playing at her lips. She saw him hesitate for a moment... 'What?..'

If I had asked you back then, before they did, would you have said yes?..'.. He ran a hand over the back of his neck.

Yes..'... She didn't hesitate to answer... 'Of course I would have. I loved them, I still do, all of them, and yes I still love you. Marriage, family, I wanted that. What we had..'.. She took one of his hands in hers... 'All of us, it was perfect. Here in this world, we have another chance, we have this family. You can love again Peter, you can a life here..'.. She smiled at him... 'Whoever it's with, they'll be lucky..'

She saw disappointment flicker in his eyes as he nodded. He pulled his hand from hers and stepped back... 'I'll leave you to it..'.. He smiled, but it was a fake one... 'Get some sleep, Parker and Ned got the kids so you don't have to get up too early..'

She didn't have a chance to say anything as he headed out of her room, the quiet click of her door signalling he had gone. It wasn't easy for her but she didn't want to lose him like she had lost everyone else. Shaking her head, she stripped off and got in her bath, letting the hot water wash away her aches and pain.


Parker was just about to settle down to sleep, when he heard someone giggle quietly. He already knew who it was and he got up off his bed, and weaved between the others who were sleeping, to crouch down next to Evie... 'Hey, why aren't you sleeping?..'.. He whispered and she pulled her blanket off her head, grinning at him, excitedly.

'I seen mama get married, and she has a baby in her belly. It will happen soon..'.. She whispered back, making him huff out a little laugh, her enthusiasm was infectious.

'Who will she marry?..'... He asked, tucking her back in, and she told him. He wasn't surprised at all, not from what they all knew.

'Ah, ok. And you're happy with that?..'.. He asked quietly, checking no one else was awake.

'Yes. I love papa and daddy, and now I'll have a pops, and a sister..'.. Her eyes flittered closed with a faint smile... 'I love you uncle Peter..'.. Her hand reached out for his and he took it, feeling her give a little squeeze.

'Love you too Evie..'.. He waited until her breathing evened out, before slipping back to his own bed. He was terrible at keeping secrets, but this one he would, Charley deserved to be happy, after everything she had been through and he didn't want to mess that up by telling anyone what he now knew.


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