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Oh, she was pissed, angry, full of rage and ready to kill someone. She was having fun last night, about ready to go home with a guy, Alec? Alex? Whoever he was, until those two turned up, stopping her. Loki had conjured power dampening cuffs, and whisked her away with Peter, back to her room at the compound, before she was tossed onto her bed, the two laughing and walking out, locking her in her room.

Looking around at the chaos, the destruction she had caused in her anger, she did feel a little guilty, but those two were going to be in worse shape than her bedroom.

Friday had informed her that the room would unlock at 8am, and she could leave, but counting down the seconds, didn't tamper her anger, it fuelled it more. Hearing the click, she yanked the door open... 'Where's Loki and Peter?..'.. She shouted up at the ceiling.

'Both are in the main room BB..'..

She didn't care she was in pj shorts and vest, would rather ruin these with the blood that was about to be spilled than anything else. Sprinting down the hall, she slid into the main room, and her eyes instantly found them, sitting either side of Evie at the table. She knew they were using her daughter as a shield, as if that would stop her.

'You fucking assholes..'.. She went straight for them and Loki disappeared instantly.

'Yeah, thanks Loki..'.. Peter huffed out as he stood, his chair skidding back, looping around the table to get away from her... 'Charley, Evie is right here..'... Peter held his hands up, but she moved into the kitchen, keeping her eyes on him and pulling a knife from the block... 'Shit..'.. He took off, down towards the labs, and she went straight after him.

Tony sighed, shaking his head... 'Tony you got to stop her..'.. Steve tells him, but Tony shook his head.

'Uh, no. You want to get in the middle of that, go ahead. In fact, I give you full permission to go get that knife back..'.. Tony gestured to the door where the other two ran off.

'I'm with Tony on this..'.. Bucky chuckled... 'No way am I getting in the middle of that. Even without her powers, she's scary as shit..'

Steve rolled his eyes and jogged down the hall, leaving the others... 'Yep, he's dead..'.. Sam sniggered... 'Whos going to be captain America now?..'

'You..'.. Heads whipped to the giggly voice, all looking to Evie... 'When daddy isn't captain America anymore, it will be you..'... She smiled at Sam, who was stunned silent.

Sam watched as Evie frowned, and rubbed her forehead, gasping... 'Theo!..'

No one had a clue what she meant... 'Evie, what's wrong?..'.. Nat moved to crouch next to the little girl, who's eyes started to fill with tears.

'Theo. He's not coming here..'.. Evies eyes went wide... 'Theo is with daddy. I thought he was with this one..'.. Tears filled her eyes and she sniffled... 'I wanted to be a big sister..'

Nat had no clue, but she reached out, scooping Evue up in her arms, and moved to sit on one of the couches... 'Sweetie you need to explain it to me..'.. She settled down, and Evie snuggled into her.

'I saw daddy holding baby Theo, looking so happy. He looks like this daddy, no hair on his face. I thought Theo would be here, not there with my other daddy..'.. Evie cried, burying her face into Nat... 'I'm alone and mama doesn't another baby..'

Nat felt her heart ache for this little girl. She had been through so much, and had to be strong... 'You won't be alone Evie..'.. Nats eyes flicked to Bucky, seeing him give a little nod... 'You were right though..'.. She spoke quietly... 'You will be our flower girl..'.. Evie instantly stopped crying and pulled back to look at Nat, her eyes shining.

'Really?..'.. Evie hiccuped and Nat smiled down at her, tucking strands behind her ears.

'Oh absolutely. It's an important job, and you are the best one for it..'.. Nat laughed as Evie practically strangled her with a hug... 'We haven't told anyone yet, but we will soon. Wanted to wait until after your mom's birthday..'

'I love you auntie Nat..'.. Nat felt tears in her eyes, hearing those words... 'I'm glad you and uncle bucky are happy..'.. Nat rubbed Evies back, and nodded, her eyes catching Bucky again, knowing he heard every word.


'Charley! Stop!..'.. Peter shouted, as he moved around the station again, one hand out to her. He needed to distract her enough to catch her with his webs... 'Why are you so angry?..'

'Oh, I don't know..'.. She retorted with calm sarcasm... 'Maybe because I finally had the courage to move on, even for a fuck, and you with fuckface..'.. She pointed with the knife... 'Had waltzed over, ruining my night, my mood and my fucking sanity, what was left of it!..'.. She growled, ready to throw herself across the station at him.

He could see she was upset, clearly angry too... 'And why not Loki? I know you love him, so why not?..'.. He saw the look of disbelief on her face.

'Are you fucking kidding me right now?..'.. She dropped her hand with the knife enough that he shot a a web at her, knocking the knife from her hand, and it stuck to the floor behind her.

'Charley, I know it might not be the same as what you felt for ours, but you deserve to be happy with someone, not hook up with a random stranger..'... He sighed... 'I'm just looking out for you. After everything, you deserve happiness..'

BB took a deep breath, fighting the urge to punch him in the face... 'But this is my life now, and I get to decide the who, what, when, where and why, not you..'

'And if you were knocked up by that guy last night? I know you, better than you know yourself. Yeah, sure you would've enjoyed it, but you would've been overwhelmed with guilt for sleeping with a stranger, one night stands are not you..'.. He leaned on the station.

'I hate you..'.. She sighed, and he chuckled, as Steve walked in cautiously.

'You two ok?..'.. He looked between them, noticing the knife on the floor, webbed.

'We're fine..'.. She gave him a small smile... 'Peter was right, as always..'.. Which made him chuckle as he walked around and to her side, pulling her in for a hug.

'Not always, but I'll take it..'.. He kissed the side of her head... 'Look, I get that you're still hesitant, but don't rush to move on, until you're really ready. Besides, you got toys, use them..'.. Thst got a slap to the stomach.

'BB, you're needed back in the main room straight away, it's urgent..'..

She sighed, and took hold of both their hands, pulling them along... 'Best go see what shit Tony has stirred today..'.. Both Ben chuckled, and followed after her as they headed back.


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