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Charley poured herself a decaff coffee, just as a few of the others entered the main room, she glanced over, and noticed Thor was alone... 'Where's Val?..'.. She turned, resting her hip against the counter, and blew on her coffee.

'I sent her back to Asgard..'... He sighed... 'After the captain spoke with her, which he had every right to say..'.. Charley looked over to Steve, seeing him shrug slightly and start to dish up his plate... 'I told her that since we have arrived, she has not been considerate of others, that she has not changed her ways. I sent her back, this is our family, and to not be respectable of others, I hope that she learns the error of her ways..'

'I'm sorry Thor..'.. She set her cup down, and walked over, hugging him... 'Do I even want to know what you said?..'... She looked back to Steve as he sat down with Maria.

'Look and see for yourself..'.. He tapped his head, and she focused, seeing what had happened.

'Damn Steve, didn't know you had it in you..'.. She whistled, fanning herself with her hand... 'That was hot..'.. She winked at him, and went back to get her cup, patting his shoulder as she passed... 'Hope you have that streak with Maria, cause it is seriously wasted otherwise..'

Steve chuckled, and cut into his French toast... 'I didn't like that you were being stressed about things, and even though you don't snap back at anyone, I knew she was irritating you all the time with her questions about it. It's no one's business but yours..'

'Love that you defended me, all of you..'.. She gestured around with her cup as the last few trickled into the room... 'But try to be a little bit of an asshole, I'm horny enough as it is..'

'What, didn't get enough last night, and this morning?..'.. Peter came over, kissing the side of her head as he poured himself a cup.

'Oh I did. Being tag teamed by you and Loki..'... Coughs and splutters rang out, as she smirked at Peter, not even needing to look at the others... 'Was amazing. I've got to go see Strange, I'll be back later, so take care of Evie..'.. She finished her coffee, handing Peter her cup and kissed him. Moving from the kitchen, she walked over to where Loki was sat at the table, threading her fingers into his hair and pulled his head back to kiss him too, ignoring everyone else... 'Behave..'.. She let him go, and then disappeared.

'Ok then..'.. Steve cleared his throat... 'Mission briefing at 0900, Sam, Buck, Nat, Thor and Wanda, you're on this with me..'

'Uh, yeah sure..'.. Sam looked around at the table, seeing not one of them was going to say anything... 'Seriously? No one going to make a comment or?..'

'Not our business Sam..'.. Steve said, glancing to him... 'Understood?..'.. He felt Maria's hand give his thigh a squeeze, and he fought a smile, knowing she liked it when he was taking charge.

'Got it..'.. Sam nodded, his attention back on his food.

'She say why she was going to see Strange?..'.. Tony asked Peter, changing the subject.

'No..'.. Peter walked over to sit with them, on Lokis left, placing his arm on the back of Lokis chair... 'Charley tells us what we need to know, when we need to know it. Probably wants to find out more about her mutliverse selves..'.. He shrugged a shoulder.

Loki hadn't meant to, but the look Stark gave him, had him peeking into the man's thoughts. His cup fell from his hand as he pushed his chair back, stumbling to his feet... 'I killed her?..'

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