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'Are you fucking crazy?..'.. BB clenched her fists, glaring at Tony. It had been two weeks since Grant had left, and she had been keeping herself busy, distracted from her own wallowing, and didn't see the shit he had pulled on her... 'Why the fuck would you think this is acceptable? Shes MY daughter, not yours! You have no right to have any say in what happens with her..'.. Not even angry, she was well past that point right now.

Tony had gotten Evie a tutor behind BBs back, someone she had never met, or vetted, dug into who they were, and said tutor currently had her daughter, fuck knows where right now on an 'outdoor lesson' trip.

BB glared at him, her powers screaming to let lose, and it was taking all her willpower, not to kill him where he stood. The only reason she was fighting against committing murder, was that this was someone Evie loved... 'Where the fuck is my daughter?!..'

'She's safe B! She's fine, Pepper is with her, and both have trackers..'.. Shit, wrong thing to say, as he saw the look on her face change. If he wasn't afraid for his life before, he was shitting a brick now, and praying for a quick death.

'Safe? Fine?..'.. She took two steps towards him and he backed up. He moved behind Steve and Bucky, and if the situation wasn't so serious, she would've laughed at him hiding behind the soldiers, as if they'd get in the middle of this and protect him. To prove her point, both men scarpered out if her path... 'You put a tracker on my daughter? You better fucking tell me where she is, or I'm going to show you exactly what I'm capable of Stark..'... She growled out at him.

Tony nodded at her and called for Friday to track where they were, and giving BB their location, Museum of Natural History. She didn't say a word as she disappeared from in front of him, and he just sagged to the floor, putting his head into his hands. Never in the time he knew her, had he ever been afraid of her. That look in her eyes, he knew she could and would kill him, no matter who he was to her.

'You're fucking crazy Stark..'.. Bucky shook his head, handing Tony a coffee, and sitting in one of the dining chairs, watching him... 'Did it ever cross your mind to talk to her before you did this, or?..'

'I was just trying to help..'.. Tony sighed, placing the cup on the floor next to him... 'We know she's been working herself hard since he left, and Evie needs to have some schooling, now that they're staying. I knew she wouldn't want Evie in an actual school, but I thought a tutor would help..'

'Tony, I mean this in the nicest way possible..'.. Big Peter shook his head... 'Evie doesn't need a tutor. Back home, we all took care of her education, teaching her ourselves. She didn't miss out on the socialising with other kids, as there were a lot already in our family. For a five year old, her IQ is 134, that's higher than most average adults..'

'She's really that smart?..'.. Steve smiled over at him, feeling a little bit of pride over Evie. She had spent a little bit of time each day, before her naps, cuddled with him, or Maria or both, falling asleep, comforted.

'She's a Stark..'.. Peter chuckled... 'Not to mention, you know her mother, there's me..'.. He gestured to himself... 'Loki who's her bio dad. She absorbs everything she reads, you only have to show her something once, and she memorises it. She has an idetic memory..'

'Shit..'.. Bucky whistled... 'Who wants to bet Evie could single handedly build Tony a new suit, that's better?..'

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