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She was exhausted, in pain and mentally drained. She coughed out as he slammed her to the floor, kneeling over her as he held her by the throat, squeezing. She could see her vision cloud, but she wasn't going to give up.

Hitting the inside of his elbow hard, he buckled slightly. She gripped his head, bringing him closer and butting him in the face. As he pulled back to cover his nose, she jabbed him in the throat and bucked him off, that he landed on the floor next to her.

Gasping for breath, she heard him chuckle next to her and she rolled her head to him... 'If you are set to hold the blame, why fight at all? You wish to die, yet you fight to live..'

It took her a moment, for her brain to catch up and she closed her eyes, shaking her head as she stayed on the floor... 'You were baiting me. Pushing me, fuck!..'

'You were seeking punishment for what you believe are your failures. It is why you harm yourself, you feel you deserve it..'... He tells her, slipping his arms behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling.

She thought it over, his words were exactly what she was thinking. Everything, that she held onto, the words spilled from his mouth. Fighting her, hitting her, it hurt, just as much as when she harmed herself, but this had physically exhausted her. It was a better outlet for it all.

'Why did you do it?..'.. She asked, not looking at him, as she wiped the blood from her mouth.

'I know that darkness all too well. To carry such guilt, grief. It will consume you until there is nothing left. I have not known you long, but I can see it is affecting your daughter, and your friend too. You must let it go, or you will drag them into that darkness with you..'.. Hearing his voice, the understanding as he spoke, she felt her eyes prickle.

'Can you be an asshole for five minutes? I really don't want to cry any more..'.. She sniffled.

'How was the sex with your Loki?..'.. His question was completely out if nowhere, and she burst out laughing, not expecting him to say that.

'I married him, what do you think?..'.. She rolled her head back to him, laughing again at the amused smile on his bruised face... 'You look like you got steam rolled by hulk. Come on, I need to heal and drink..'.. She flipped up onto her feet, and turned, holding a hand out to help him up, which he took.

'Computer woman, we can leave now..'.. Loki looked up, and in seconds, they heard the doors unlock, and both felt their magic again. They looked at one another and quickly healed themselves.

'Hold on Laufeyson..'.. She took hold of his arm, teleporting them to the main room, seeing the shocked looks on faces. BB saw that Tony was looking a little green around the gills, and she frowned at everyone... 'Whats up with him?..'

'They all know we've slept together in the past. They were hiding outside your door, heard a lot. Feel better?..'.. Peter walked over and hugged her. He could feel her body was relaxed, knowing she wasn't tense anymore.

'We're not related, so whats the issue?..'.. BB stood back, and moved to grab one of the dining chairs to sit down.

'Uh, your dress..'.. She saw Rogers blush and turn away. Looking down, she noticed it was damaged, and her strapless bra was on show. Shrugging, she conjured a new dress and sat down.

'You had a harem?..'... Valkyrie asked, grinning at her.

'Fuck sake Peter..'.. BB rolled her eyes, and conjured a drink... 'This world isn't like ours. There's more judgment here. Just so you all know..'.. She gestured around to them... 'Its not uncommon where we're from, to have more than one lover. There's no racism, no hate against LGBTQIA+ that you call it here. We called it free love, there were no labels really..'

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