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*2 months later*

'I fucking hate you boys!..'..

Bucky, Sam, Pietro and Parker looked between each other, all four frozen for a moment before they bolted in opposite directions away from the angry pregnant woman... 'It was Sam's idea!..'.. Bucky shouted as he ran down the hall towards the garage he didn't see where the others had gone, he just wanted to get away.

Tony and Peter both chuckled from the kitchen, seeing an angry Charley covered in confetti and streamers, courtesy of the four idiots who had the party cannons, letting them off the moment she sat down on a couch... 'They're just excited and bored..'.. Tony called over to her.

It was true. With her putting together the missions and teams, things were running smooth and effortlessly, taking down the bad guys, and Hydra was gone for good, well, for now. Charley had the government's around the world in the palm of her hands, had brought in new recruits and upgraded everyone's suits. Tony had no doubt, that whatever the future held, they'd be ready for it. Though he was wondering if he should be a little sympathetic to whatever enemies would come for Charley or her kids, if she took a baseball bat to one when she was pregnant with Evie in her universe, he knew she'd be just as lethal this time.

'Are you shitting me?..'.. Her voice was dead calm as she waved her hand, cleaning up the mess as she stood, glaring at him.

'Abort. Abort Abort..'.. Peter coughed next to him and rushed off out of the room, leaving them two of them.

'I'm sorry. I take it back..'.. Tony held up his hands in surrender.

'If they're excited, then great, they'll be awesome aunts and uncles. If they're bored, go fuck about and annoy someone else, not me. Common sense, don't piss off the pregnant woman..'.. Charley threw her hands up, exasperated.

'You were already scary without the hormone boost..'... Tony poured her a decaff coffee, sliding it across the counter to her. He knew she hated the stuff but that and water was all she could drink without throwing up.

'Oh, I'm sorry to be an inconvenience to you all..'.. She snarked walking over.

'Charley..'.. Tony sighed, shaking his head and them she started to sniffle... 'I get you're on edge, but you need to try and control these mood swings of yours..'

'You know, if anyone else said that shit..'.. Nat walked in with Wanda... 'I'm sure she'd set them on fire..'

'I'm not that bad..'.. Charely scoffed, picking up her shitty coffee and drinking it.

'Bullshit..'.. Nat pointed at her, narrowing her eyes... 'Besides, you're enjoying it, terrorising the guys..'

'Yeah well, not like I can do missions, can I?..'.. Charley threw her free hand up, rolling her eyes... 'None of you will let me..'

'Will that really stop you?..'.. Wanda asked, pouring herself some juice.

'Peter said if I do missions while pregnant, put myself or the kids in danger, he'll never have sex with me again, and he'll ban me from having any toys either..'..

Tony hadn't meant to, but he spat his coffee out all over Charley, coughing and choking. He didn't bother to help clean up, just ran from the room, trying to catch his breath and spilling coffee from his cup.

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