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'This looks amazing..'.. BB turned, seeing Rogers walk in, awe in his face as he looked around... 'You do all this?..'

'Couldn't sleep..'.. She shrugged, and finished setting the table... 'Besides, having magic helps..'.. She chuckled, nodding to the autumnal trees and decorations all around the main room... 'This is our first proper thanksgiving as a team. I know I'm going overboard, but its helping me to deal with the holidays..'

He saw the sadness in her... 'If this is what youre like for thanksgiving, I can't wait for Christmas..'.. He gave her a playful nudge.

'Be prepared Rogers, its my favourite holiday of the year..'.. She smiled back at him.

'It looks like lifestyle magazine is here..'.. She turned her head, seeing Potts walk in, her mouth open as she looked around... 'Its beautiful..'

Thats a big table..'.. Barnes nodded to it... 'Is that how many of us there are?..'

She laughed, and passed him, heading into the kitchen... 'If you can name everyone, in the next sixty seconds, I'll answer another question..'

Bucky grinned at her, and moved to walk around the table, tapping each chair as he went. He got to eighteen, but couldn't think of the last two... 'Times up Barnes..'

'That's everyone though, so whos the two extras seats?..'.. He gestured to the table.

'Rogers, Barnes, Wilson, Maximoff, P, Stark, Romanoff, Vision, Rhodes, Parker, Ms Parker, Belova, Hill, Banner, Odinson, Valkyrie, Laufeyson, Cho, Potts, and me..'.. She gestured to herself.

'How was I meant to know Parker is bringing his aunt, or that Rhodey was joining?..'.. Bucky huffed, folding his arms.

'She gave you a chance Buck..'.. Steve clapped him on his back, moving into the kitchen to get a drink.

Dinner will be at 4pm. So make sure you're hungry and on time..'.. She tells them. Friday notifies her through her comm and BB slammed her hands down on the counter, startling the others.

Steve hesitates, watching as she took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose as she muttered something... 'Uh, B, you ok?..'

'I'm fine. I got to go out for a few hours. Dont worry about the food, I've got it taken care of. Just dont be late, any of you..'.. She disappeared from in front of them, and Steve looked to Pepper and Bucky.

'You know what that's about?..'... He gestured to where had stood.

'No. I have no idea what she said either, it wasn't any language I know..'.. Bucky shrugged.

'I dont know either. I'll go ask Tony, see if he knows..'.. Pepper left them to it, as Nat walked in with her sister.

'Wow, its not bad..'.. Yelena gave an aprroving nod to the decorations.

'What did we miss?..'.. Nat looks between the two soldiers.

'You speak a few languages, right?..'... Bucky walked over, giving her a quick kiss... 'Do you know what 'Im iens percutere semper vivi daylights ab eo' means?..'

'Im going to beat the living daylights out of him..'.. Yelena pipes up... 'Its a bit broken, but its Latin. What?..'.. She noticed the three looking at her... 'I have no social life, so I picked up a few things..'

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