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'Lock this room down, and put the power dampening on computer woman!..'.. Loki barked up at the ceiling... 'Do not let her out until I say so..'.. Lokis grip on her tightened, and when the hum of the protocols engaged, he threw her across the training room... 'Perhaps it is your fault..'

His words hit her harder than the floor did when she landed on her back, smacking her head... 'You want to be blamed for it, you want to hurt for it..'.. She didn't notice he had moved closer, and kicked her hard in the side, rolling her over, making her gasp for the air he had knocked from her... 'Because of you, your daughter has lost everything. Because you were so weak, she no longer has a family. Because of you, she lost one father, and you failed the other that he wants to abandon her..'

BB finally managed to suck in a breath, and shuffle back as he slowly walked towards her. She couldn't use her powers, her magic... 'Friday..'.. She choked out, her tears running free... 'Friday, deactivate power dampening, let me out..'

'No!..'.. Loki shouted, as he stalked faster, and back handed her, knocking her to the floor... 'You want pain? I will gladly give it. How another version of me could ever feel anything for such a weak and pathetic mortal, I do not know..'

BB felt the stab again, and the flicker of anger that her Loki was mentioned... 'You said he was kind, compassionate. Perhaps he was just as weak and pathetic as you. Love is a foolish notion that does not exist..'.. This Loki laughed, scoffing at her... 'Weak. He could not save his own daughter. Perhaps she never was his, and he chose death instead than re-..'

She got to her feet, and swung hard, knocking him down... 'Don't you fucking dare! He wasn't weak, or pathetic! Don't you ever mention my daughter..'

Loki rolled to his feet, smirking at her as he touched his bloody lip. He sucked on it, to stem the flow... 'You think you even deserve her? You caused so much death around her, tore her family, her world apart. You do not care for her, you do not deserve to be her mother. If you were strong, you would not have caused her father's death, nor would this one abandon her..'.. He gestured up to the ceiling.

She screamed in rage, coming for him. He was pushing her, she wanted pain, to feel anything else, he would break her. He would have her accepting the truth, before anyone could put a stop to them.


Tony growled in frustration, running his hands though his hair... 'I can't watch this, I can't listen to it..'

'Believe me, having her stab herself over and over, is worse. I know what he's doing, he's giving her exactly what she needs..'.. Peter gestured to the footage of the two down in the training room. They had ended up here in the main room, seeing Tony rant about Loki, and then realise the tv was playing live stream of the two downstairs.

'Hes saying everything that she's been thinking, those voices in her head. She needs to face it all, and yes it's hard watching him hurt her, but he's already broken through. She's fighting back instead of giving in..'.. Peter pointed to the screen again.

'This is so messed up..'.. Sam shook his head.

'I get it..'.. Yelena shrugged, pouring another shot for her and Nat as they shared a look.

'Same. That's a lot of pain and blame shes holding. For me, the missions were my outlet, but there were times I'd want to hurt myself..'.. Nat hit back the shot.

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