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⚠️Trigger warning: Mentions self-harm⚠️

She stepped into the holding area, carrying a tray of food, and a bottle of water for him. She moved to the cell, and slid it through the slot to Grant... 'Can we talk like rational human beings now?..'.. She sat at the table to the side.

'I'm sorry..'.. He took the tray and sat down on the bed, not touching the food... 'Can I say this first?..'.. He watched as she sat back, folding her arms across herself.

'I love you, so damn much. When I woke up from cryo, seeing you there, that smile of yours, you didn't see a monster, there was only love and kindness in your eyes, with so much pain. Pain I knew too well, that I felt..'.. He ran a hand through his hair... 'I loved that you made me safe, accepted, and I loved Loki, for showing me I could be a better man. The two of you, you saved me, gave me a home, a family..'.. He blew out a breath, knowing this was hard.

'I know you love me Charley, but I think you love me, because I know that darkness, I accept it, and I'm a link to those you lost. Your grandparents, your dad, Buck and Peggy. And I love you, for the same reasons. We love each other, for what we need, what we give to each other, but I dont think you've ever been in love with me..'.. He sees the tears fall from her eyes... 'I can never thank you enough, for everything you've done for me, saving me, giving me a chance at life, a family..'.. He gave her a tearful smile... 'A daughter. I love you both, so fucking much..'

He wiped his eyes... 'Being here, I've seen you Charley, I've seen the real you. You got a second chance, at everything, and more than anyone else, in any universe, and reality, you deserve this. I don't belong here, and we both know, me and Rogers can't exist in the same reality for long..'

She broke, crying as she hugged herself... 'Friday, open the cell..'.. She sobbed out, and he rushed over, wrapping her up in his arms... 'I knew you still loved her. I saw how happy you were, in you memories. You wanted to stay there, with her..'

'I chose you, Evie and Peter. You're my family Charley, I love you all..'.. He held her tight, letting her cry. This was the hardest thing he had ever had to do, being honest about everything. Grant just didn't know where they'd go from here.


Tony's heart broke for her, seeing her breakdown like that. Hearing what was said, he wiped his eyes, blowing out a breath, as Bucky sighed.

'Damn, she cant get a break, can she?..'.. Bucky ran a hand over the back of his neck, looking across to Steve... 'You ok?..'

'Am I that much of an asshole in another life?..'... Steve shook his head, and Tony laughed.

'Did you just swear? He did, didn't he?..'.. Tony points to Steve, while looking at Bucky.

'That's not you Steve. In that life..'.. Bucky gestured to the screen... 'I married Carter, and I didn't really know the woman here. And director of SHIELD? Too much paperwork for my liking..'

'Do you think its true, about them?..'... Steve nodded to Grant and BB on the screen... 'Did they really love each other? I mean, she lost everyone, mourned them all for three years, right? Finds us, fixes us, gets her daughter, husband and brother back only for him to cheat and now wants to leave?..'.. Steve scoffed.

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