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BB laughed, her hands on her hips, as all four of them got to their feet... 'Come on guys, I'm not even trying here..'.. She smirked, seeing them all start to spread out around her, as the rest were to the sides, watching... 'If you can't take me down, when I don't have my powers, how do you expect to take down Hydra?..'

'Not everyone is as experienced as you B..'.. Murdock came for her first. She dodged left, stepping back from his punch, and Strange grabbed her from behind, holding her tight.

'Not a bad position to be in..'.. He chuckled in her ear, but she threw her legs up, and forward, the top half of her body, doubling over as she flipped him over her and to the floor. She back flipped, as P slid to take her legs out, and she spun, coming face to face with Laufeyson. She saw the other three still trying to co-ordinate their attacks.

'Come on Laufeyson, I know you want to hit me..'.. She grinned at him... 'You're not still pouting about power dampening, are you?..'

'Darling, I can easily take you down..'.. He took a stance, and she twitched her fingers at him, beckoning him to attack. He came at her, and she crouch, going for a football tackle, knocking the wind from him as he hit the floor, hard on his back. She went up to one knee above him, and patted his arm.

'You forget, Loki was one of my best friends, so I know how you fight..'.. She tutted at him, and got up... 'Ok, let's call it..'.. She said to the other three... 'Two hours, and not one of you put me to the floor..'

'I'd rather put you to the bed, but I'm game for anything..'.. Murdock took a few breaths, smiling at her.

'Ok, I'm only going to say this once, for everyone..'... She put her hands on her hips... 'No more sexual innuendos, no flirting, no remarks like that, or I'll castrate you, got it?..'.. She looked between Strange and Murdock.

'Sure, I'll behave..'.. Murdock chuckled.

'Got it..'.. Strange nodded with a smirk. She knew neither one would really listen. Rolling her eyes, she rubbed her forehead.

'Friday, deactivate power dampening..'.. She called out.

'So, who are they in your world?..'.. Romanoff asks as she walks over, nodding to Strange and Murdock.

'Strange taught me Eldritch magic, and Murdock he was one of the vigilantes I would sometimes work with, during the darker times of my life..'.. BB sighed and waved her hand, sending the two of them back to their homes... 'What is with the men of this world? Honestly, you'd think I was a bitch in heat with the way they're panting over me..'.. She pulled a disgusted face.

Tony chuckled at her description... 'Not your type, huh?..'

'Nope. I've only ever been with one man, and that's my husband. Honestly, I know I'll never move on, I just can't do it..'.. She waved her hand again, changing her clothes to shorts and a hoodie.

'Perhaps he had moved on..'.. Her jaw ticked, and she turned, raising an eyebrow at Laufeyson... 'It has been a long time for you, and for him. He may have moved on with someone else..'

Nat gave Loki a disbelief look, as BB stormed out, slamming the doors open so hard, they rebounded hard off the walls... 'Fuck sake Loki, dont you know tact, at all?..'.. She rushed out after BB.

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