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As she strode through the halls, her head high, with the files in her hands, BB smiled to herself. Telling them all felt like a weight off her shoulders, and even though she didn't tell them everything, it was enough. After their movie session, everyone wanted to help put the evidence together on Ross, and she was glad they did.

The following day, they had everything they needed to bring the man down, and those that he had paid off, to help push his agenda. She was going to bring the man to his knees, for now. She wanted him to be publicly ripped apart, and when he was locked away, she would bring his worst fears to life, watching him choke on his blood from screaming in terror.

She wasn't always like this, but when it came to the bad people, she enjoyed watching them suffer, especially after knowing what they did.

She wasn't using her powers, not yet anyway. She didn't want to give them to much information about herself, but for now, the black trousers, white shirt, and 'fuck with me, you die' look on her face, she knew she would win this.

She kept walking, ignoring the people, especially the guards that tried to stop her. One look at her face was enough to make them back up, and not mess with her. Pushing open the doors, she walked in and straight to the front... 'Did I interrupt your spiel of bullshit Ross? Need a breath mint? Cause I could smell it when I parked my car..'

She stopped five feet from him, her hands crossed over the files in her hands as she stared at him.

'This is the one. She has somehow used mind control, to take over the aven-..'

'Ha, hilarious, really. Now if that were true, then why wouldn't I use them to do really bad things Ross? I mean, if I had the ability to mind control people, I'd have had you slit your own throat a long time ago..'... She leaned back against one of the desks, watching him, and the hum of the UN meeting pitching to a low drone.

'I have proof that Thaddeus Ross here, has been pushing his agenda for years, trying to worm his way up, and gain control over the Avengers..'.. She dropped the files on China's desk... 'Hand them out, have a look..'.. She pushed off the desk, walking around the circular floor.

'False..'.. Ross said, watching her.

'Is it? Nope. Since Banners project years ago, that went sideways due to your sabotage..'.. She gestured to him... 'You've been trying so damn hard to get your hands on him. You want his blood, and Rogers, and Barnes. You want Starks tech. You want Romanoff under control, to give up secrets. You want Maximoff to experiment on her, because you want her abilities. You want Vision, for the tech and the stone. And the others, you want them under your control, using their families as leverage..'

He huffed a laugh at her... 'You created these false lies to get control of the Avengers..'.. He turned to the UN council... 'The Avengers must be under our control. You have seen what their destruction has caused..'

'No battle is without casualties, no war is without destruction..'.. She kept walking around. She could see she was pissing him off... 'Without the Avengers, Loki would have ruled this world with his army. Without the Avengers, Hydra would have had control over SHIELD, and Project Insight, wiping out millions of people...'.. She stopped, smirking at him..  'You should know that Ross, your name is on the paperwork. You were a part of it, still Hydra, right? Trying to rebuild under your command..'

'You have no proof of these accusations..'.. She saw him clench his fists but kept a placent smile, as she continued circling him. She could see the files being passed around, but wanted to keep his attention on her.

'Oh, really?..'.. The screens around the room came on, and surveillance footage came up, with audio. In them, Ross was making deals with Alexander Pierce, Senator Stern, Gideon Malik, and other higher officials, all calling 'Hail Hydra' in their meetings... 'I have been watching you for a long time Ross, I know exactly who and what you are. You are a traitor, to your country, to this world..'

'Someone arrest her!..'... He barked out, pointing at her, but no one moved.

'Evidence is being sent to every government across the world, every news outlet in the US. Right down to every single Hydra operative you have ever done business with. Those you have paid off, the names of every single innocent you have had killed! I will not stop, until Hydra is nothing more than a puddle of blood, beneath my boot..'.. She smirks at him.

'Thaddeus Ross, you are under arrest for treason..'.. President Ellis stands, dropping one of the files on his desk... 'Remove this man, and remand him in custody..'

BB continues smirking at him, as officers take hold of his arms. She already knew his move and he pulled an arm free, gripping the gun from the officer on his left and aiming at her, firing off two shots before he was tackled to the floor, the gun ripped from his hand.

Screams echoed around but she put her hand up... 'Its ok, I'm fine!..'.. She quickly reassured everyone, and opened her shirt, showing a bulletproof vest. She pulled on the two bullets and held them up... 'See? I'm ok..'

Ross fought hard, as he glared at her, being dragged away... 'Oh, and just so you know, your wife wants a divorce..'.. She called as he was taken out of the room.

'Uh, excuse me miss?..'.. She turned, seeing the president step down... 'Thought the rest of the team would be here..'.. He spoke quietly, holding his hand out to her and she shook it.

'Mr president, might I suggest that you sedate Ross for the time being? Just until he's locked up. You never know, he might her a hold of another weapon..'.. She clapped her hands in front of her.

'Thank you, for bringing this to our attention-..'

'Oh, I'm not done..'.. She stepped back from the president, rasing her voice slightly over all the noise... 'Enough!..'.. Silence quickly fell, as all eyes were on her.

'You will tear up the accords. You have seen that we are not alone in this universe. Other worlds out there may think that we are a threat, and we need the Avengers, and others like them, to shield us, protect and fight for us. But not with a rope around their necks. Asgard is an ally now, but that doesn't compare the billions of other worlds. We are out manned, out numbered and seriously out of our depths..'.. She made sure they were all listening.

'The Avengers, are our best defense. Yes, there are some enhanced out there that have taken a wrong path. Yes, there are those who are casualties of the battles, yes there is destruction, but without these heroes, what hope do we have of surviving a universal war? We are the human race, we are survivors, we rebuild and come back stronger..'.. She sighed, shaking her head.

'The accords have to go. Let the team do what they do best, protect..'.. She looked around the room... 'If you still continue to believe that the Avengers need to be leashed, I will take them from this planet, to another, to Asgard. The avengers have to make the calls, make the choices you can't, and they live with that, every day. They cant have the normal lives that everyone else has, because they bear the weight of being the protectors of earth.'

She took a deep breath... 'Make the right choice..'.. She turned back to the president... 'I expect a decision by the end of the day..'... With that, she walked straight out. She headed to the ladies rolm, knowing that she would most likely be followed, but once she was in a stall, she would appear back at the compound.


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