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Tony loved having Evie in the lab with him, he so proud of how brilliant she was, talking to him about how different technology was, from her world and she was always excited to help him build a new suit. He asked for her help, with a new one for Parker, and Tony watched from his desk, as the two of them sketched designs over at one station.

He never thought he'd have this, a family, kids heck even a grandkid, but he could say that without a doubt he loved them all. He saw Evie hop off her stool and squeal, dancing around his lab... 'Evie, you ok?..'

'Sophie is coming! She's in mamas tummy..'.. Evie giggled, running over to him, and climbing up on his lap, grinning widely... 'Mama has Sophie in her tummy, and I'm going to be the best big sister ever..'

Tony looked across to Parker, who shook his head with a smile... 'Something you're not telling me kid?..'

'Evie sees everything..'.. Parker chuckled, going back to his sketches.

'Pops is gonna marry mama, when he knows..'... Evie whispered conspiratorially, to Tony. It took him a moment to catch on, and he couldn't help but laugh, oh this was going to be fun to watch.

It was still weird to him, that she was going to marry big Pete, when this worlds version was his son... 'Then I guess we need to get you a dress for it..'

'Hey Evie..'.. Parker called over... 'Think your mom is around? Do you want to go tell her?..'

'You're asking for trouble there Parker..'... Tony shook his head, as Pepper walked into the lab, seeing the three smiling.

'Whats he done now?..'.. Pepper stopped by the desk, hands on her hips as she looked between them.

'Tell your grandma your news, I bet she's going to be just as excited as you..'.. Tony tickled Evie, making her giggle as he put her down to run to Pepper, who scooped her up for a cuddle.

'Whats your news?..'.. Pepper couldn't help but smile, she loved this little girl.

'I'm going to be a big sister! Mama has Sophie in her tummy..'.. Evie giggled... 'And pops is going to marry mama when he knows..'

Pepper looked at Evie then to Tony... 'Thought Charley was with Peter for the day..'.. And then it clicked... 'Oh, well..'.. She smiled back at Evie... 'That is amazing, and you are definitely going to be the best big sister in the world..'

Pepper set Evie back down, who just ran out of the lab, and she spun to Tony... 'Is this a good thing or a bad thing?..'

'This is a Charley is going to lose it, and then like it thing..'.. Parker says as he gets up, walking over... 'I've known about it for a little while, Evie told me. So, prepare for it, Evies gone to see her mom..'

Pepper sighed, and rubbed her forehead... 'I'll get the girls together, you guys may want to hide for the rest of the day..'.. She headed out, leaving the two of them.

'Its going to be cool though..'.. Parker shrugged... 'I'm gonna be an uncle again, and you'll have another grandkid..'

Tony smiled, thinking it over, as he stood, clapping Parker on the shoulder... 'Yeah kid, it's going to be great..'


Steve moved out of the way, almost falling over as Evie ran through the main room, squealing happily... 'Evie be careful..'.. He called after her, but she was already gone... 'What is that about?..'.. He looked over to the couches where Nat, Bucky, Loki and Sam were sitting.

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